Oct 17 2023 22 mins
In this episode, I am going to guide you through the process of discerning if God is putting obstacles in your way, why He might be doing it, and most importantly, how you can overcome those challenges if that's indeed the case. Essentially, we are going to explore actionable steps to align your business ambitions with God's purpose for your life.
To keep it simple, we're going to answer these questions together:
- Is God blocking my business growth?
- And if so, why?
- What does that mean for you?
- And ultimately, how do you move forward if this is the case?
- How to determine if God is blocking your business growth
- What to do if you feel like you are being blocked
- Ways to fully surrender your business to the Lord
- How to discern if God is calling you to STOP your business entirely
Let's do this.
Called to CEO Collective –> www.hannahbrindley.com/membership
Stop the self-sabotage, activate a faith-fueled focus, and cultivate a thriving, Holy Spirit led business
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Attract Your Queendom (Learn to Attract Your Ideal Clients to You) –>https://bit.ly/attractyourqueendom
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For faith-fueled females who are ready to start + scale a Holy Spirit led coaching business
Called to CEO Collective –> www.hannahbrindley.com/membership
For faith-fueled female entrepreneurs ready breakthrough spiritual warfare + self-sabotage in life + business
Email –> [email protected]