#KatieTalks with Hiam Sakakini, Transformational change guru, Passionate about what great companies + cultures do differently

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Sep 13 2020 45 mins  

If you're feeling the need to turbocharge your motivation as you settle into month sevenish, dealing with Covid, this is the conversation for you. My guest has 14+ years pedigree of Fortune 500 companies and advises organisations and leaders on creating environments where smart, self-motivating, innovative individuals thrive.

We discuss the concept of interconnected, distributed teams which is an interesting concept. It is also critical to the way that we're working now as many of us have lost that regular 'in person' way, incidental communication with our colleagues.

We cover a lot of interesting topics, but most inspirational for me was our discussion about the five levels of distributed teams. This concept was created by Matt Mullenweg who founded WordPress. You can read more about it here. https://ma.tt/2020/04/five-levels-of-autonomy/

While change is a constant, this has been a year of greater than normal change, with COVID-19 disrupting our personal lives and work in a way not seen in recent history. This has created some lasting impacts but also some opportunities for the better. Hiam talks about the way that workplaces are taking time to think about the value they create in the world and she is starting to see some of this in her work, reigniting passion in their people, really connect back to that core piece.

Katie Talks is hosted by Katie Bennett-Stenton, who you can find at @KatiebMarketing on Twitter or [email protected].

Disclaimer this podcast is a personal project, not associated with my professional role.