Oct 25 2023 17 mins
On this episode of the Campbell Law Reporter, Blake Swanner '25 is speaking with Kaylee Olander '25 and Emma Tillotson '24 from Law Students Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence. October is domestic violence awareness month and this episode not only brings awareness to resources available to victims but also ways to get active in the community.
- https://nccadv.org/get-help
- Help find rape crisis centers near you
- http://www.nccasa.org/
- Help find rape crisis centers near you
- https://ncdoj.gov/crime-lab/
- Rape kits and the rape kit testing backlog
- https://www.sexualassaultkittracking.ncdoj.gov/SexualAssaultKitTracking/
- Rape kit collection tracking
- http://www.nc-van.org/
- Victim assistance network
- www.thehotline.org
- National domestic violence hotline
- (800) 787-7233
- (800) 273-8255
- National suicide prevention lifeline
- https://www.rainn.org/
- (800) 656-HOPE (4673)
- National sexual assault hotline
- https://www.strongheartshelpline.org/resources-supportive-organizations/
- Domestic violence and dating hotline for Native Americans
- (844) 762-8483
- https://victimconnect.org/
- (855) 4VICTIM (484-2846)
- Helps victims learn about their rights, options, and referrals