EPISODE 38 Jane Austen Pt. III- Her Works

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Jun 28 2023 70 mins  


Jane Austen (1775-1817)


Our favorite adaptations:

BBC P&P (1995) - the best! Starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle

S&S (1995) - Emma Thompson won an Oscar for Best Adaptation and a new husband

Enjoyable Austen fan fiction:

These are the very best:

Bridget Jones’ Diary (2001) - Colin Firth again! Both a tribute and its own thing.

Lost in Austen (2008) - 4-part BBC TV series: Modern day Londoner switches places with Elizabeth Bennett - adorable!

These are fun too:

Austenland (2013)- rom-com about immersive Austen cosplay

Becoming Jane (2007) - starring Anne Hathaway as Austen in a fictionalized story about her failed romance with Tom LeFroy

Death Comes to Pemberley (2013) - BBC 3-part murder mystery based the book by E. L. James

Darcy in the water statue

Other Music: Excerpts from BBC's Pride and Prejudice (1996).

Thank you to David Plell and Powerbleeder for our theme song "Future Mind" listen here!