D & C 20 - 22 The Rise of the Church of Jesus Christ

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Mar 09 2025 55 mins   1

Section 20 - Historical Background: Following the first vision to the young boy Joseph Smith, God gradually proceeded to work towards the establishment of his church. The angel Moroni was sent to Joseph, then to the hidden gold plates to be translated and published as the Book of Mormon; the Aaronic Priesthood was restored followed by the Melchizedek priesthood. This section lays the foundation for the setting up of the governing laws of the Kingdom of God in these latter days.

  • Recap: The precise day is given when the organization of the church is to occur; the names of the first 2 elders are announced; duties of the members of the church and of the quorums of the priesthood; specific wording of the baptismal and sacrament prayers are given.

Section 21 - Historical Background: In fulfillment of God’s commandment (see section 20), on April 6, 1830, the leaders of the church met together at the home of Peter Whitmer Sr to organize and establish the church in accordance to the laws of the nation. Six men were required to sign the corporate papers to give the church official status in the state of New York. The log cabin was crowded with families and friends who all raised their hands in approval of Joseph Smith as the first Elder of the Church and Oliver Cowdery as the second, and both as presiding officers. After these formalities were completed and the papers signed, the people traveled 6 miles to Seneca Lake. Those who desired to become members of the church were baptized. After returning to the Whitmer home in Fayette, this revelation was received.

  • Recap: Records need to be maintained in the church; Joseph Smith will be called a seer, translator, prophet, apostle and elder of the church. Members of the church should look to the prophet for direction as if given by the Lord Himself; Oliver Cowdery to serve under Joseph to preach the gospel to the world.

Section 22 - Historical Background: Previous to the official organization of the church, people had been baptized for the remission of sins. Now it was required to be baptized again, this time as members of God’s church. Some people objected to needing baptism again. To resolve the confusion, Joseph received this revelation.

  • Recap: All unauthorized covenants, including baptism, are null and void and “availeth him nothing” but must be done as authorized by God. The very reason for the restoration of the Gospel was to replace the “dead works” and unauthorized and obsolete ordinances of the past.