Nov 04 2024 52 mins 7
Siri Vincent Plouff joins the podcast to talk about a favorite subject, runes. Their book, Queering the Runes, was just released in November 2024 and we talk about the book, dispel notions that runes are not for everyone (they are!), how they can relate from a queer perspective, and just about runes in general.
The book is an excellent way to introduce yourself to the runes with a fresh look at how they interact with people today. Or if you are used to working with runes, have a look at them with a new lens and see how they might teach something new or different.
Siri has been a practicing with for nearly 20 years and reading tarot and runes professionally for six. They host The Heathen's Journey podcast, teaches workshops, and is coauthor of Lessons from the Empress with Cassandra Snow.
Order Queering the Runes at your favorite bookshop, directly from Red Wheel/Weiser, or online book seller.
You can find Siri on Instagram: @siri.vincent.plouff and Patreon: @sirivincentplouff
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Music. Intro: Cooking with the Italians. Stinger: Mastermind Outro: Commercial Bliss - Royalty free music from Please do not add this audio content to the YouTube Content ID System. I have used background music which is owned by FesliyanStudios.
Gifts of the Wyrd Logo Created by Xan Folmer.
Logo based on the Vanic boar created by Vanatru Priestess Ember of the Vanic Conspiracy.
Studio recordings using Zencastr and Audacity.