Featuring Special Guests Jon Burlingame, Jeff Bond, Neil Bulk, Deniz Cordell, Annie Pasqua, Miguel Andrade, Jason LeBlanc, John Takis
Sing a song for the glorious season!
The Legacy of John Williams presents a special Christmas episode of its podcast series to celebrate the music of the Maestro during this magical, lyrical time of the year together with friends and a few esteemed guests, a sort of Christmas party with people gathering to exchange wishes and reminiscing what made us fall in love with John Williams’s music when we were kids. For this occasion, Mike Matessino joins Tim Burden and Maurizio Caschetto as co-host of the talk.
Kicking off the festivities is journalist, author and lecturer Jon Burlingame, USA’s leading writer on the subject of music for films and television. Burlingame has interviewed John Williams many times over the years, becoming friendly with the composer and chronicling with accurate reporting the many milestones of his career.
The talk continues with another renowned authority on film music: author and writer Jeff Bond. Joining afterwards are several first-time guests on the podcast: New York-based musicians Deniz Cordell and Annie Pasqua, soundtrack producer Neil Bulk and LOJW Contributing Writer Miguel Andrade. Returning guests Jason LeBlanc and John Takis round off the table of this special Christmas episode.
It’s time to grab your favourite Holiday drink, sit down in the comfort of your chair, put the headphones on and feel that gingerbread feeling while listening to this cheerful conversation among friends and connoisseurs sharing their love for John Williams’s music and going somewhere in their memory to tell about how it all began.
Read more at https://thelegacyofjohnwilliams.com/2024/12/23/podcast-christmas-special/