Oct 23 2024 63 mins 9
As October inches towards Samhain, Rick de Yampert joins me to talk about the magic of Crows and Ravens from his book: Crows and Ravens: Mystery, Myth, and Magic of Sacred Corvids.
Rick has been working with Crows and Ravens for a number of years along his path and has dedicated a lot of study to how corvids behave and how we can commune with them to enrich and enhance our connection to nature, magic, and the Web of Wyrd.
Do you have crows or ravens appearing in your path or daily routine? Do they visit your yard or bring gifts? Do you speak with them? Does their presence in your life help you with your magical practice? Rick's book provides some ways to connect with them and build a magical connection to them.
Have a listen as we discuss some of those topics and more.
Crows and Ravens is published by Llewellyn Books and available from Llewellyn, your favorite book seller, or online.
Check out Rick's projects and schedule at: https://rickdeyampert.com/ and see Mr. Crow and other artwork at Mister Crow Art.
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Music. Intro: Cooking with the Italians. Outro: Commercial Bliss - Royalty free music from https://www.fesliyanstudios.com Please do not add this audio content to the YouTube Content ID System. I have used background music which is owned by FesliyanStudios.
Gifts of the Wyrd Logo Created by Xan Folmer.
Logo based on the Vanic boar created by Vanatru Priestess Ember of the Vanic Conspiracy.
Studio recordings using Zencastr and Audacity.