Jul 11 2024 33 mins 1
District leaders all across the country have long lamented the dearth of high-quality, culturally relevant and engaging curriculum for history and social studies.
And it's not just leaders and teachers. Students surveyed also report that they don't see themselves in the curriculum, feel that they are only learning one side of history, and that none of it seems to have anything to do with them or their lives.
Nichol Everett, K-12 Social Studies Instruction Facilitator for Tacoma Public Schools, partnered with Educurious to co-design a project-based, interactive, Civics unit called Advocacy in Action that has students and teachers cheering and achieving. Find out how they did it in this inspiring episode.
Learn more about Educurious' project-based courses, aligned to state and national standards, and written on a foundation of research-based design principles for learning.
Learning in Action Blog: Why Project Based Learning is Necessary for Deep Understanding in Social Studies
Learning in Action Blog: 5 Reasons Why Project-Based Learning is Essential to Social Studies Instruction
Hear how Cross-Content, Customized Project-Based Units Have Revolutionized Learning in Three Districts
Learn more about The Educurious Experience
Free Micro-Learning ExPLoration with Educurious! Transformative State History: learn how to engage your students with PBL unit, Decisions that Define Us
MORE Micro Professional Learning ExPLorations - fun and free, 1-hour digital Professional Learning for teachers from all content areas and grades levels
EdCuration's Blog: Learning in Action