Dec 09 2024 1 mins 3
This season, every episode of OMG focuses on a question that directors really need to answer.
OMG is written, produced, narrated and scored by Matt Fullbrook.
Question #46: Are we compromising instead of being intentional? Don’t get me wrong: compromise is a useful hack. Both in the “let’s make everyone equally unhappy” sense and the “let’s shoot down the middle instead of taking an extreme position” sense. And I think compromise is often really appropriate in boardrooms. That said, compromise often turns into a habit, especially in situations where we’re really time-constrained…like a board meeting. And doing things habitually is essentially the opposite of being intentional. Are your meeting pre-reads designed to make sure everybody can live with them, or are there certain parts that are designed to specifically engage certain people whose perspectives you’d really like to consider? Are your meetings structured to follow a predictable and accepted formula, or are you creating moments where spontaneity or creativity might thrive, at least fleetingly? I spent all of season 4 detailing conditions that matter, and about which you might be intentional. And remember, I’m not talking about revolution or even disruption. Just intention and habit breaking.