Oct 15 2024 57 mins
The besties chat a little about recent SLOMW and Sister Wives headlines and a little U.S. Grand Prix tea. Austin, TX is the place to be in October.
The besties jump right into the fifth episode of this slightly different Mormon show. From rotting their teeth at a soda shop to planning the death of a marriage, most of the group has come out of the tumultuous girls trip with big plans. Except for Whitney, who has chosen to be a whiny baby about literally everything. Just when you think things might be normal, Taylor tries to make Dakota and Mayci play nice at a work event (not cool bro), and then she and Dakota force Mayci to become the unintentional (and very awkward) therapist.
Mel and Jill are best friends who love to enjoy film, tv, books, and more and talk about them together. All opinions are not associated with the content we’re discussing.