Feb 08 2025 63 mins
"Conversation and Coffee from the Main Street Of America" with @arizonapodcast in Kingman, AZ. Chris and Mary of Arizona Podcast share time at Calico's Restaurant in Kingman AZ with the people on Route 66 that share what the area communities have to offer locals and visitors alike.
Chris shares the news of their new website Support page where fans can gift to the shows success. More Listener supported than ad based. New features include "Arizona Route 66: The Podcast" and "Just Off Route 66".
VODCAST can be found on our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1AP0ho5MpM
Help Support the Arizona Podcast Here: https://arizonapodcast.com/support
Discussions include talking with Cassi Hammond, V.P. of the Chloride Chamber of Commerce a small community town about 15 minutes north of Kingman; the past, present and future are highlighted.
Micah Spenser shares the humble beginnings and the multi awards received at the Cella Winery, located north of Kingman on Route 66.
Sarah Ferry, a business owner of West of 3rd on Kingman's Main Street where she serves as a very active volunteer of Kingman Main Street association. Their new project is very exciting by bringing the Hotel Beale back to life in a great renovation project.
Smiley Ward steps in to share the wonderful group of Arizona's Pharoahs Car Club. The people and events and the charity/fundraising work they do in the community.
Internationally acclaimed author and lecturer Jim Hinckley shares a very special corner of Jim Hinckley's America; Kingman, Arizona at the center of 160-miles of smiles, and a few unforgettable detours. His role with Kingman Tours and the voice of the City's Walking Tour.
Ken Large calls in from Amboy California to share the exciting news of their first ever Route 66 Car Show set for March 1st.
CHRIS TUTTLE - Host of Arizona Podcast https://arizonapodcast.com
CASSI HAMMOND - Chloride AZ Chamber of Commerce https://VisitChloride.com
MICAH SPENCER - Cella Winery https://cellawinery.com
SMILEY WARD - Pharaohs Car Club of Arizona https://facebook.com/1058801895413680
JIM HINKCKLEY - Jim Hinckley’s America https://jimhinckleysamerica.com
SARAH FERRY - Kingman Main Street https://kingmanmainstreet.com
KENNETH LARGE - Roy’s Motel and Cafe Amboy, CA https://visitamboy.com
Recording Date: February 7, 2025
Location: Calico's Restaurant 418 West Beale Ave. Kingman AZ https://facebook.com/calicosrestaurant