Feb 17 2024 60 mins 1
Originally a Bonus Episode, Now available on the main feed!
Aftermath – Lumosh may have survived the Mistress’ assault during season 2, but the island is still a place full of threats, displaced refugees, and people struggling to survive the decimation wrought by months of blight and unrest. A certain Graycastle was left stranded here in the wake of the events of the Clean-Up Crew arc. In “Aftermath,” he must be pretty desperate, because he seeks help from two newcomers: Blargh and Aaroog. Our new crew faces the island’s dangers as well as other pursuers that attempt to use the chaos of the island for their own benefit. Can they survive the aftermath? Find out in this short, premium arc that takes place in the world of our main campaign!
- GM – Mike
- Blargh the Orc Paladin – Aimee
- Aaroog the Battlemooster Multiclass - Will
This Episode: “Moose and Girl”
Before Mike arrived to run the one-shot, Will and Aimee wanted to try out their characters and get some practice with their new classes before having to jump straight in at level 10. This chance encounter gives them that opportunity while also explaining a bit about how they came to know each other.