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before we officially begin Kitschfork Season Two (aka our Best New Music era) and return back to our rightful place in the 2000's, we still have another 90's album to get to. that's right! we have finally made good on our intentions to talk about the (at the time very young, now rapidly aging) indie rock stars Modest Mouse's seminal 1997 double-album The Lonesome Crowded West. this time we are joined by 90's culture aficionado Aaron Casias, co-host of the 90's movie podcast Hit Factory to help us interpret this album's place in the culture of the time.
we talk about why this album is so critically beloved, and such a perfect road trip album. we talk about the untimely passing of Jeremiah Green at the beginning of this year, which tragically ended their reunion tour playing this album. we talk the now 10 year old official Pitchfork documentary from 2013 about the making of this album. we talk about the music scene of the Pacific Northwest for what feels like the billionth time. we talk about the mallfucking of America. and we take 2 hours and 40 minutes to do it.
so please enjoy. and thank you for your patience. expect more updates coming next podcast, which should be out in a couple of weeks (i promise!)
Pitchfork Lonesome Crowded West Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G33AcZzZ0pM
Aaron (Hit Factory)'s twitter: https://twitter.com/HitFactoryPod
Hit Factory's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hitfactorypod