Feb 04 2024 58 mins
It's us! YES....US!!!
We're back! Although, we'd better not say that just in case the next episode comes out in 3 years time... but for now, we're back and there's been some changes...
So, we're doing reading club full time now, no more random crap to fill the void, just a good honest audiobook week after week after week after week.....
Patreon has gone for a burden too, down the pan! Thanks to our podcast pals who contributed to help us out, it meant a lot!
The website has gone AND the email address. Unfortunately, wix give you a GREAT deal for the first 12 months then decide it'll cost you about 2 grand a week to keep the website live so...fuck that sideways! bye bye!
if you want to get in touch with us now, twitter is the best place really www.twitter.com/whocanconvince
Take care and hopefully we will see you next week?...
Him and the other one