David Luhnow - UK & Mexico - Wall Street Journal

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Nov 20 2023 102 mins   4

Born in Mexico to American parents, David Luhnow (@davidluhnow) returned to report on the country for decades. Luhnow talks about the tectonic shifts in Mexico and yet, how through all this time, the country's institutions continue to fail. The mental toll of years reporting on Mexico's drug war contributed to his leaving to become the current United Kingdom bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal​​. Also, he gets punched in the face.

Countries featured: Mexico, Panama, Iraq, Egypt, United Kingdom

Publications featured: The Mexico City News, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal

Here are links to some of the things we talked about

David's story on the UK university system - https://bit.ly/3szftyy

Yaroslav Trofimov on WSJ.com - https://bit.ly/47AewFv

David's story A Day in the Life of Baghdad - https://bit.ly/3SKiWoB

His story on the Treasure of Nimrud in Iraq - https://bit.ly/3SMB692

His story on the Iraq cigarette company - https://bit.ly/3R5jYKp

His story on murder in Acapulco - https://bit.ly/47ksI5f

His story on a high school kidnap ring - https://bit.ly/49KE8AY

Mexico's Reforma newspaper - https://bit.ly/49CUpb7

Letras Libras - https://letraslibres.com

The Rest is History podcast - https://bit.ly/49FBYlT

New Yorker story "How the Elderly Lose Their Rights" - https://bit.ly/3sFz3Js

José de Córdoba's story on the Russian yacht in Antigua - https://bit.ly/40K1fr4

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Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats

From: freemusicarchive.org