As Christians, we can learn all about the ins and outs of ministering to people, but until we get past our fears and break through the resistance (the threshold) in our own heart, little is going to happen through us. We don’t have to be professionals to reach out and care for, or pray for, someone who has a need. It’s just Bible Belt thinking that makes you feel unqualified or unworthy to do this. People out there need what we have to offer, so let’s not deny them the blessing and prayer that they really need, and are crying out for.
Show Notes:
The five fold ministry- apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, were raised up to prepare the body for the work of the ministry. These ministries weren’t raised up to do all the ministry, but their job is to prepare the saints to do the ministry, which is contrary to a lot of Christian thinking.
The fear of doing ministry and praying for people is what keeps the majority of us from getting in and giving it a try.
If you can get past the threshold of caring for or praying for someone who has a situation, you might discover that a lot of people are very blessed, just because of the fact that you cared enough to pray with them, whether they got healed or not. Most just need a touch, more than anything.
When you take the time to care for and pray for someone concerning a situation, you never know for sure what God will do for them, but the connection that you make with them will continue, and you might feel to keep praying for them now and then. That’s how God tends to do it.
Most people can easily spot a religious phony and will tend to shy away from them, but if your approach is genuine and caring, hardly anyone will turn down a word of encouragement or a prayer for healing.
The main qualification is if you’re available and allow the Lord to use you, and you are sensitive to the Spirit of God, so when those opportunities arise, then you just go through, and that’s the threshold I’m talking about. We have tried to take away the mystique from that a lot, so the people are not afraid to do that.
I think the prayers that God loves and maybe honors the most is, “God, help”. “I may not even know how to pray for this guy, but God, I just know that you can fix this. I just believe God can heal you”.
Ephesians 4:11
It takes courage to get over the fear of encouraging and praying for people who really need a touch. It’s not our pastors’ job to do all of this, but it’s our responsibility to walk through the open doors that God creates, to bless and pray for people who really need a touch from the Lord.