Mar 17 2025 68 mins
This lesson is on Daniel 7:15-28 and it deals with the divine interpretation of Daniel's God-given dream about the prophetic history of the Gentile nations (from the time of the ancient Babylonian Empire to the Revived Roman Empire of the Antichrist). Daniel received the dream, but wanted to know more about it from the Lord! When a person genuinely seeks to know and understand more about God and His plans and purposes, and when he sincerely wants to know Bible prophecy, the Lord honors that seeking soul. The title for this lesson, "Seeking Truth" is on that very subject.
We look at Daniel's piercing reaction to the prophetic visions of his dream (7:15), his probing requests for further understanding of the dream (7:16-27), and his pensive response to the interpretive answers (from a heavenly sent messenger) he received (7:28).
Learn about the fourth beast and the ten kings who arise from his head - and the eleventh king (also called "the little horn").