"The Gang Recycles Their Trash"

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Feb 28 2024 100 mins   8

Heyooo! We're back again with another hot and fresh ep of the pod. If you can't get your hands on "The Gang Recycles Their Trash" because it's behind Hulu streaming bars, we've got you covered - you can listen to us yap about it... instead.

In this episode, the boyz of the pod reminisce about what it's like to watch a dvd, group dynamics, juicy dongs, the differences between a twink, a twank and a twunk, what is and isn't a callback or reference to a previous episode, Ray Parker Jr, Dee's Powersuit, the gang being back in town, Mac looking like a gargoyle riding on the back of a limo, and much, much more. If this episode satisfies one twink versatile, we'll feel like we've done our jobs.

Thanks for listening and as always,

Good day to yous!

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