Jul 24 2024 101 mins 4
Humo: Murder and Silence in El Salvador connects a gruesome story of mass murder in El Salvador to a larger shift in the country's society with the election of Nayib Bukele. Daniel Alvarenga (@pipianspice), host of the English-language version of the podcast, brings years of experience reporting on El Salvador as well as his experience as a Salvedorean-American to the show. He discusses his backdoor route into journalism, years spent making viral news videos and his struggles to make a career of telling Central American stories.
Countries featured: USA, El Salvador, Honduras
Publications featured: Al Jazeera (AJ+), Telemundo, KCSB, Rolling Stone
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Humo podcast - https://bit.ly/3y8tEgM
Newsbroke on AJ+ - https://bit.ly/4c97nxn
His mini doc Why Are Indigenous People Dying at the Border - https://bit.ly/3LyDKKM
His mini doc Why So Many Palestinians Live in El Salvador - https://bit.ly/3YeFKQ8
Bryan Avelar on X - https://x.com/bavelarr
Revista Factum - https://www.revistafactum.com/
Atmos Magazine - https://atmos.earth/
Atmos article on El Salvador - https://bit.ly/3zPUfQ1
Atmos story on Congo cobalt - https://bit.ly/3xX3EVB
60 Songs that Explain the 90s podcast - https://bit.ly/46iTUl1
Locatora Radio episode on protest dad - https://bit.ly/4d7fM56
Menudo: Forever Young docuseries - https://bit.ly/4d831Hw
The book News for All the People - https://bit.ly/3SilzwV
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Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org