Jan 13 2025 72 mins 3
Many of us find it hard to read classic literature. But is there value in it worth pushing through anyway? Joseph Holmes and Nathan Clarkson welcome author and podcast host of "Storytime for Grownups" Faith Moore to discuss how she grew to love great old books.
Educators find decline in reading classic literature in 70s: https://www.nytimes.com/1977/05/29/archives/decline-in-reading-of-the-classics-in-public-schools-causes-concern.html
Decline in reading from 1982 to 2002: https://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/RaRExec_0.pdf
Literature Humanities Professors find fewer read classics in 2020s: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/11/the-elite-college-students-who-cant-read-books/679945/
Why teachers should assign more contemporary books: https://bookriot.com/assign-more-contemporary-books/
Why we focus too much on classics: https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2016/jul/13/stop-pushing-the-same-classic-books-on-children-and-trust-modern-writing
Penguin Classic
Picture of Dorian Gr
Anxious People
Great Expectations
David Copperfield
Jane Eyre (2006 TV Miniseries)
Wuthering Heights
We Have Always Lived in a Castle
The Divine Comedy
The Madwoman in the Attic
Overthinkers: theoverthinkersjournal.com
Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me
Joseph Holmes: josepholmesstudios.com
Faith Moore: faithkmoore.com