Jan 30 2023 11 mins
In this episode we highlight the issues that immunocompromised patients are/will be facing in light of COVID-19. The episodes identify the patient population(s) most at risk for severe infection and hospitalization or death. Also, deep diving within the hematological patients, identifying who are the most at risk and why? Which unmet needs are there for these patients today in the “post pandemic” era? Which guidelines are in place? What are the most important clinical considerations for hematological patients today? What are the lessons learned so far from the pandemic?
References: 1. Carrara E et al, Hematological Oncology, 2023;41:16–25. 2. Blennow O et al, Am J Hematol.2022;97:E312–E317. 3. Infante MS et al, Front Oncol. 2022 Oct 3;12:992137. 4. Pagano L et al, J Hematol Oncol. 2021 Oct 14;14(1):168. 5. Cheok KPL et al, Leuk Lymphoma. 2022 Aug;63(8):1980-1984. 6. Levin MJ et al, N Engl J Med. 2022 Jun 9;386(23):2188-2200. 7. Stuver R et al. Cancer Cell. 2022 Jun 13;40(6):590-591. 8. Kamar N et al, N Engl J Med. 2021 Aug 12;385(7):661-662. 9. https://www.legeforeningen.no/foreningsledd/fagmed/norsk-forening-for-infeksjonsmedisin/aktuelt/2022/antivirale-og-immunmodulerende-midler-ved-covid-19-v16