The Light of Orthodoxy (Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas)

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Mar 22 2021
"O Gregory the Miracle Worker, light of Orthodoxy, support and teacher of the Church, comeliness of Monastics, invincible defender of theologians, the pride of Thessalonica, and preacher of grace, intercede forever that our souls may be saved." (Apolytikion for the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas)

Is it possible to know God? How could a perfect God have anything to do with His imperfection creation?

These are some of the questions Saint Gregory Palamas faced in the 14th century. And they're questions the Church faces today. We dedicate the Second Sunday of Great Lent to this important saint because he taught an important theological truth that's at the core of the Christian life:

That God is both knowable in His Energies and unknowable in His Essence.

And this mystery is shown to us when Jesus heals the paralytic in Mark 2.

As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: