Jul 31 2024 40 mins 1
Christ told us that where we put our money, there will our hearts be also (Matt. 6.21, Luke 12.34). The spending of money is a religious action (sacrifice), but very often goes to darker purposes. Giving to the local church should be a part of our tithe, which is money owed to God (tithing or biblical stewardship with a proportion of tithing). Likewise, the local church giving to the diocese is also a basic principle of Orthodox Christianity (1 Cor. 16.1-3). While tithing was a ritual element of the Law of Moses and the priesthood of Aaron, it was also a principle of the Priesthood of Melkizedek (Christ’s priesthood). This includes the priest-husband and priest-wife who do a full tithe (10% of the Priest/Pani income) as an example to the rest of the parish. As Scripture states, giving should not be done "grudgingly", nor mandatorily, but rather freely and cheerfully. Enjoy the show!