Feb 09 2024 39 mins 1
041. Unlock Your Voice for Speaking Confidence
When we speak in public, we tend to focus on the words we want to say and forget that we speak with our body, through our vocal production. By attending to the way we use our voices, we can find keys to what inhibits us, and what sets us free.
Join me in conversation with Jennifer Hamady, a voice coach and therapist specializing in technical and emotional issues that interfere with self-expression.
Listen to the Podcast Here
Watch The Podcast Here
Connect with Jennifer
Jennifer Hamady is a voice coach and therapist specializing in technical and emotional issues that interfere with self-expression.
Her clients include Grammy and Country Music Award-winners, contestants on The Voice and American Idol, and corporate clients across an array of industries. She herself has sung and toured with artists including Stevie Wonder, Christina Aguilera, Patti LaBelle, Cirque du Soleil, and more.
Connect with Linda
- Download your Free Speaker Preparation Checklist for the practices, rituals, and warmups I use before speaking to ensure I’m clear-headed, grounded, and charged.
- Want to overcome your fear of speaking and become more naturally you so you can delight in the limelight? Private Coaching with Linda to overcome your fear of speaking and delight in the limelight.
- Get the Book: Delight in the Limelight: Overcome your fear of being seen and realize your dreams
Credits – Music: “A Smooth Jazz” by Music Cocktail
Clickable Tweets
The voice is literally a metaphor for who we are as self expressed beings. #DelightInTheLimelight podcast with Jennifer Hammady #VoiceCoaching #AuthenticSelf #PsychologyOfVoice
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Most people don't think about their breathing, though, of course, the breath is the vehicle on which the voice rides. 🗣️ #VocalHealth #BreathingForVoice #PerformancePhilosophy #Delightinthelimelightpodcast
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