Sep 04 2024 33 mins 1
Show Notes
Darby Smith PT, DPT
Guest Quotes:
5:03 On Outcome Measures in Acute Care: “I think the key takeaway is that there are these documented barriers of the time and the productivity concerns and just the, the kind of acute nature of patient populations and like the diversity of it. And I would say the biggest barrier for most people that I found in their research is the resources. They don’t, they want to use it, but they don’t know how to get started.”
7:29 “I’m a big believer that there is not one fits all outcome measure for every single patient that every single therapist is going to see…what impairment am I trying to capture and what outcome as knows that can capture that impairment best.”
21:46 “But when you really look at the research, There may be an outcome measure on there that maybe we personally thought should have been on there, but the research isn’t there or it’s not there in acute care. And so that’s where we encourage clinicians. If you have a strong preference on the outcome measure, go do the research.”
Rapid Responses:
Name a therapist that has been influential to your PT career.
“Christa Gilley”
You know you work in acute care when:
“You hear “you know I just had surgery right?” Three times a day”
Perception and Utilization of Standardized Outcome Measures in Acute Care Physical Therapy
Core Outcome Measure Set Document (for Public Review and Comments)
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