Nov 15 2023 70 mins
Dr. Joel Rosen:
I’m excited to introduce our guest, John Falaka. He is an award-winning author and an expert on human performance. His award-winning book Neuroscience Calisthenics Hijack Your Body Clock taps into the world of neuroscience to achieve unparalleled results in human performance.
And according to Jaw all of our conscious and subconscious actions result in cellular aging. He reveals how one can hijack the body clock by causing by using the powers of neuroscience. He’s also known as Cyber Gains, and is a distinguished serial entrepreneur, scientist, athlete, and public speaker.
He’s based now in Miami, Florida, born in France, and he holds an engineering degree in biotechnology with a specialization in virtual reality and augmented reality from MIT, and has an academic background in biochemistry, and immunology genetics. He’s a visionary founder behind several successful ventures and he recently achieved a significant milestone by selling his biotech group to Intel S Corp.
He’s an innovative has an innovative approach and relentless drive among the world’s elite in earning his prestigious spot in the top 30 disruptive entrepreneurs in the world in 2023, alongside renowned figures Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. In addition, Shawn has endeavored to integrate neuroscience and fitness having established cyber gains neuroscience calisthenics labs and authored the book neuroscience calisthenics. So I can go on and on, but I want to get
Jean Fallacara:
here. Thank you for inviting me. Yeah, I probably need to put some censorship on my bio, just to make it shorter. Otherwise, people are wasting like 20 minutes talking about what I’ve done. But you know, I think that in principle, it’s not what you’ve done that is important is what you’re going to do. So let’s, let’s start from zero. I’m just Shafaq on your podcast and I’m thrilled to be here. Yeah,
Dr. Joel Rosen:
well listen, I mean, don’t discount that. I mean, where we are right now is where we’re supposed to be, and where we are is where we’ve come from, and you put a lot of hard sweat equity in and the school of hard knocks along with all those other things to get there.
And that’s what we’re going to be sharing and we’re constantly dynamically changing. John, I saw you speak at the Biohacking Conference a couple of weeks ago and I was intrigued by your talk and the journey of mastering the art of endurance. Maybe kind of before we get into that, and life spanning and so forth, give us sort of the, I guess the the high points on how you got to write now, in terms of what do you think were some of the key areas that got you to, to the situation or to where you are right now? Oh,
Jean Fallacara:
that’s a very good question. You know what, I think that if I had to write another book, I would start by questioning myself with that one, and then everything would flow. making me who I am today, started by who I was when I was a kid, always trying to push my limits in one way or the other.
And there is some sort of brain pattern that is specific to certain people. And I probably have that one that was created when I was a young kid. So I was into extreme sports. Adrenaline-driven challenges, skateboarding, skydiving, rock climbing, dirt bikes, and you name it, everything that you could risk your life I was going into that, but then life is precious, as you get older.
And for me, the most important thing that was always present in my life was learning, learning from the outside learning from the book. Unfortunately, learning in school was harsh for me, I had a ton of diplomas, but I have to admit that I didn’t go to school like other people, I was going to exams and I was studying by myself because I felt that during my whole life that I was wasting my time listening to professors.
And I could grab way more information from books and studies and stuff like that. So I made it that way. I got cut off, a nice diploma, diploma, an engineering degree, some master’s in immunology and genetics, and, then the learning process was my whole life as well because like a few years ago, I went back to MIT and I go like, one virtual reality, artificial intelligence is taking the lead of this world, I need to know. So I went there, and I was lost. I was the only one with no background in this area.
However, I ended up having the highest grade in the class. So I was proud of that. And this is this is my own life. I think that when I start some things I perform. I do not consider myself a high achiever, but I would say that I perform like an achiever, I’m going to go up to the end perfection because Perfection doesn’t exist, but to the end by mastering whatever I’m storing in the process.
And the endurance was the same in my trick mastering your endurance was progress. So as a kid, always into activities, I Proactiv kid, and did not have too many friends, because I was always moving and trying to be in with my books and stuff like that. I’ve always tried to see the impact of sports. And I’ve always understood even when I was a kid, but the brain is probably the most important part of four, a four system mature, you know, you’re 1012 years old. I’m the same age as you get older, even.
And most kids today they know. But we, within our generation, no one knew what was the impact of the brain on the body. And everybody had this perception that it was the brain-body connection. While it’s one part it’s all integrated, up, down, down, up. But I discovered it by myself by experimenting and doing sports. I was always doing sport and it was a tiny, tiny, tiny guy.
And it was also hypersensitive, up to the age of 13. If you yell at me, or if you raise your voice, I would cry. I would just cry. So I had difficulties coping with the environment and with classes like in class if, if I was doing an assignment and it was, the professor would come back to me and say, You did that wrong, I would start and then age of 17 complete shift I started to join the punk movement with hard music and are hard behaviors.
And from one extreme to the other, I was even on the path of going to military school, like to reinforce myself and to see where he was. However I was so fascinated by the studies then when I got selected for the military school, and I got to experiment when he was on the meds site. I said, there is no way that someone stupider than I am, will give me orders. So I’m not doing that.
And I left and I kept improving myself learning on the process, you know, we didn’t have internet accessibility at that time. We had some books, but ADHD doesn’t make you read too many books. So you need most news and reviews or publications that are shorter, but the full book was a difficulty.
The audiobook came way later. So the struggle was always like keeping myself informed in the shortest paths, like biohacking the learning process in a way, but made me understand that we are so far from understanding what our body and our mind are capable of. We sit in this comfort zone, where we think that it’s a struggle, but there is no struggle like we are most of the time in this autopilot mode where we feel comfortable.
But as soon as you start challenging the one-on-one side of it, anything you do like physical or mental or whatever, as soon as you start challenging that, you learn that you have the capability of going further and further and further. And the beauty of being human because I love humans and humanity is I don’t think there are any limits. I don’t think so I think that in the future in in the coming years, we’re going to exceed every single milestone that was considered a world record or achievement, the highest achievement, or intellect is evolving, or brain is evolving or neuron connection is evolving as well. We are never visionaries, PC species. And we’re not stopping. This is exactly what I consider myself. And this is why I came into life improvement and self-improvement. As simple as that.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, great. Thank you for sharing, I you know, I can see a lot of that in me in the sense that I had some major ATD ADHD issues as a child. And I could never really sit and focus in class. And I didn’t try and I always was a marginal, you know, c plus kind of guy. Then I remember going to my first university at McMaster University in Canada.
And I remember thinking, okay, they said, at the very beginning of the class, John, that look around, you’re in the exercise physiology program, there are 300 People here. There’ll be 150 people here next year. That was my goal. Okay, I’ll just make it to 150. That’s it. I played for the varsity soccer team, going to school was an elective, and going to the bar and the pubs was a requirement for me. And I remember thinking when I got the transcripts in the mail in the summers, that all I wanted to see was due may continue, may continue may continue right now. And it was nerve-racking, I thought, oh my gosh, like I never if I may continue, I’m going to do this again, because I just got a great feeling.
And so anyways, I remember for the first time is like, oh my gosh, it’s amazing. If I study this information is easy, right? It was sort of an epiphany to me, and I always explain it, you have a choice, you can go out of your way and and not do well. Or you can go out of your way and do well. It’s your choice, but it’s gonna require the same amount of energy or the same deliberate not trying or the same deliberate trying, but it’s in your case, it seems like you kind of understood that earlier on. It took me a longer time because in the sense that I didn’t know, am I right or right.
Jean Fallacara:
No, I think that you are the same as you. I think that it was the same for me like putting in the effort that was just a minimum requirement to get there. Otherwise, you’re wasting your energy on another improvement that you can have.
That’s so true. However, I found that there is one key factor in the process that you have to trigger your brain to get interested. Because you can put tons of effort into getting into that minimum level in some things that you’re not interested in. It’s not going to work. But when you find what is interesting to you in that specific module or whatever score, for example, then it’s easy. And the effort instead of being that big, becomes that small.
And for you getting to the mark, it’s like, Okay, I’m going to read that and understand the principle, then it’s going to be an easy peasy piece of gay cake to get there. Yeah. Well, I think it’s the same for you. Right. And ADHD, it’s has this pattern anyway, for people with ADHD? Yeah.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Right. Well, I think it’s a good segue into your talk in terms of endurance. And I guess that would be the question in terms of when did you understand that when you when you’re interested, and you put concentrated effort on it, and you have the awareness and the breathing and the focusing on other things that you talked about? When did you realize that endurance is where those variables were essential and I guess that would kind of transition into extreme longevity and lifespan? Right? So when did you when did you kind of figure that out?
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Okay, so I think that even when young, I was always like, trying to improve my endurance in in all aspects. My father is a marathonian Ian, so he was running a marathon every week. And I was watching that. And I like to run but not that much. I like to play tennis, but not that much. However, I was always trying to see how far could I go when I knew that it was cool at the the age of 19. And just read before I was a radio host, and I was always into music, vibes, and beats.
And then I became a DJ, and as a DJ, you play with those sounds that are making something bizarre in your brain. And I realized that if I was combining those sounds to what I was doing, I could get into a flow state. The secret of endurance is putting yourself in a mode that leads you to get into a flow state, but not the short flow state, like many people can be for 1520 minutes, like I’m talking, triggering your brain in a way that you can be into a flow state for hours, despite our brain as focus span of 90 minutes doesn’t matter.
You can be in a high flow state, then just a bit less flow state, but still flow state. And so you understand that when you’re in a flow state, everything is easy. Everything goes super fast without realizing that the time is clicking. Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast. And your performances physically, they’re not challenging you is challenging you too much. So the process gets easier, like learning at school like you were saying.
So you understand that endurance is based on that. This is how I caught that conjugation of factors that can be combined to make you get there. But the true story of my speech is I had a broken bone, a femur, and that’s what led me to master endurance because with that broken bone, in my mind, it might have been happening. So I was against my buddy’s reaction, trying to put my brain in a mood that he was telling my own brain one part and the other were communicating and telling from the singer of my body, that no, it’s impossible. You cannot have broken bone at your, your cyborg. It’s impossible to say what came after actually, but in my mind, I was always the type of person that you cannot destroy.
And then you realize that pain that scares most people, what are you scared of? Most of the time, it’s pain, you are scared of being shot, being hurt, being smashed. Everything that generates pain is scary, more than a scary movie. So if you muster pain, and pain doesn’t affect you, you must your insurance. You can sustain that and you can keep going. So that bone was broken, and for 10 days, even if my pain was rising, I mustered that signaling, saying it was not going that way. And I was compensating for it with music, breathing, called Heart, some exercises, but maybe putting everything in a phase that I was almost in full state all day long.
And my pain was secondary, and it was not there. And from there, I said, like I can apply this technique to everything I do, and cold plunges into one of my thoughts I lost you do. And I did the same process like we’re like, it’s so uncomfortable. So from one minute to two minutes to 10 minutes to 20 minutes and 45 minutes. Now, it’s not that I’m a competitive person. But what should be calming Wim Hof? I’ll be there
Dr. Joel Rosen:
hope you’re enjoying the podcast so far. This podcast is brought to you by Biohacker magazine. John has been so kind to be able to extend to you three free months of the Biohacker magazine, just use the discount code age reversing blueprint, all word age reversing blueprint, and you will get access to three free months of his amazing magazine. Now back to the interview.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Now, you mentioned that, and thank you for reminding me of Jarrett with a snowmobile accident. And, you know, Dave Asprey now talks about in his new book, the slope of the curve, right? And you know, it remembers, it reminds me, John, I was a soccer player. And we had a soccer practice one time and you know how the nets at the back get put down with like these steel pegs to put them down, so I slid to get one. And it felt like it was painful at my knee, but it didn’t feel that painful. And then a guy on my soccer team was like, Oh, gross. Look at it. It’s disgusting.
And when I saw it, there was there was a huge hole in my knee. It was it was disgusting. Wow. But here’s the point. The point is, it wasn’t painful until he said how gross it was. And how when I looked at it, all of a sudden, I think I fainted. Because it was so bad. But I think that there is a how to harness the the emotional connection to the stimuli in a bell-shaped curve in the sense that it shouldn’t be too little. Because pain is a thing.
Jean Fallacara:
Yeah, probably something’s wrong. Yeah. Right. But
Dr. Joel Rosen:
at the same time, it shouldn’t be too much. At the same time, I guess there’s a there’s bell-shaped curve to being able to harness that I guess, I guess the question would be to you is how do you figure out the bell-shaped curve and how it is? Or is there it meaning? Yeah,
Jean Fallacara:
yeah, yeah, there is yours you are 100%. Right. The example of your peg in Denise is like, you know, those videos where you see the guy is playing with a nail gun, and one goes into the shoe a year, the faint and everything, he goes to the hospital and they take off the shoe. And actually, it was in between the toes, he was not even touching any bones on anything. But in his brain, he was like, oh, it’s painful. So that’s exactly it like what you tell your mind you what your your body will feel. And the cold is like if you tell your mind that no, it’s not cold, I’m not feeling that thing. I’m not.
And that curve of response is easier to trigger when you combine those wavelength adores frequency in your brain to put you down at the right level of Zanni tude because if you are too excited, you’re going to trigger norepinephrine, adrenaline, and coaches all and then you go on your reptilian brain and you walk away. But if you go the other way, and you release serotonin, I have difficulty not showing up on anything but as a faculty to feel the flow of my serotonin through my skin and my blood when it’s thought triggering, as I feel it in the center of my brain when my brain kind of shuts down and then release the serotonin to make me feel like so quiet and Swappi because I’m in cold water.
And with the frequency of the music, it goes out the same beat, same flow, I feel like and every time it’s a feeling that is growing through my limbs, it starts from the interior and it grows through my limbs and I feel it and I feel so relaxed but I feel it going through the body. And it took me a certain time to understand the process. First I was just like what is this? I felt bizarre, but then I realized that it was all neurotransmitters that Were going through the blood and the blood flow was like first Baba, Baba Baba, and then very quiet.
So there is, as you said, that curve that is important to master. But you know, it’s like everything in life or the brain needs neuronal connections. So you need to build them up, you need to build your response, you cannot go like, Oh, today, I’m going to achieve 45 minutes in cold water and you dip into it, you have never been in a cold plunge before, that’s very impossible. It’s like everything in life. It’s a step-by-step process.
And as soon as the chunk is too big for your brain to realize that is achievable, you’re not going to make it. So how do you do that? You take, instead of saying, I’m going to stay 45 minutes in that cold shower and trying to understand the frequencies of my music and my breathing align with whatever. But you do it in small steps. And this is the curve, the small step, or the curve of understanding it and the response of your brain and your body. As simple as that.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
That’s right. You know, I was a trainer for many years. And I, you know, the, I guess, the progressive overload is is an important variable. And you mentioned it earlier on as we no longer are, we’re losing as a society, the uncomfortable nature of doing that hormetic response of a little bit more, and I think there’s a fine line you don’t want to do underneath it, right? That’s not stimulating a response. But at the same time, you don’t want to create that. If you only need a certain threshold to go above anything that is pain and just comfort, right? Yeah.
Jean Fallacara:
Yeah, some people say pain is good. But I think that controlling pain is good, not pain is good. Pain is not good. It’s controlled pain. That is good. Right?
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Just curious about serotonin, when that gets released, does it get to a point where on the other hand with the adrenaline and the excitatory stuff are too much, the serotonin can be too much where it takes you, into a parasympathetic state
Jean Fallacara:
and in down after or in harsh recovery. I have to admit that yes, some days, like if I train hard in the morning, and I go from my full branch later in the evening, with an empty stomach. And if I stay 45 minutes or 40 minutes there, my shiver getting out of it is sticking to me for a long, long time.
And that is a sign that is a sign of what you said is like, it’s a bit too much. But if I don’t train too hard in the morning, and I go earlier in the afternoon, a nice day, the same time in better condition. I’m not going to get that. So it’s all how your body and your level of energy and your mitochondria are charged or supercharged or not are empty and your glycogen reserves because you’re burning so much glycogen when you’re in that state that you have to be careful. And like you said before. When you push too much your body, the recovery is so extreme that you’re not getting any benefit from it. So judging is always the best thing to do.
And this is what I have a bit against the biohacking community some people are so fierce by workers, that they push themselves to everything and then they get not just tired, but they get depressed by the overload of what they’re doing. The overload of the biohacking. The overload of not having a life to live sports, endurance, and running slowly is based on the same principle. You have to do what is good for your body, what is what you are capable of understanding assimilating, and memorizing, otherwise the benefit is gone.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah. Now it’s interesting is there’s some deep-level conversation here. And I think you know what, I don’t play golf. But I remember I had tried golf a couple of times and someone said to me, you can’t do the swing slow enough, right? And I remember the slower I would go, the further the ball would go.
And I think that’s kind of the analogy of that bio hacker that does too much. You know, and it comes down to as well John, what do you want? Out of this, right? Because if you just want the ends of the thing, but not the means, then what’s the purpose? Right and that’s so so as far as the one of the questions that I wanted to ask you, which I think is probably a good intro into this conversation is, is this the difference between biohacking and extreme life spanning is this to talk about this? Yeah.
Jean Fallacara:
So I was like, you know, I’m a scientist. I’ve been into life improvement in general and as a scientist when Dave pretended that he was the father of biohacking, but biohacking existed before Dave, we told you to respect I like the guy but he’s okay.
And as a scientist, as you are, we understand that you cannot hack biology you can improve the process of your chemistry your neuro chemistry, and your cellular level, but you cannot hack it. It’s impossible to hack a computer. So, look at the movement. It’s born like, let’s say 15 years ago. biohackers. When you say the word biochar people are looking at you and collect, what biohacker? Will What are you walking the hospital’s computer system to steal medicine, and all scientists in my community and directly and indirectly, when you say by walking, they say I don’t want to be part of that. That’s that’s extreme. You guys put chips in your brain and magnetic on your finger for nothing or an RFID card on your that’s not it. That’s not by walking or maybe that is by walking.
And that I think that slowly and naturally. There are too many people wanting, wanting to improve their lives and the biohacking community signed up is on the death sentence when Dave Asprey in competition with Brian Johnson, who was claiming I’m a billionaire, and I was spending $3 million a year in improving my health. And Dave was kind of a competitive guy.
And he goes like, I’m spending $2 million. And I’m way better. I’m sorry, guys, but my biological age, I’m not even spending $10,000 on my health, but my biological age is better than both. And I’m older than both of them. And I was looking at that. And I said like there is no way that all the people on this planet will identify themselves to this guy’s like, is biohacking just for billionaires? That is not the purpose of it. So let’s make it clear what people want or want. They want to improve their life, what is the way to improve your life, there are so many natural and free processes that you can use. You don’t have to buy a NIPER break chamber to Biola you don’t have to buy infrared therapy, you can go outside. You can walk in the morning can you don’t have to buy pills to make you digest and not raise your blood sugar after a meal.
Take a freakin walk. It’s free. So live spinning was born because of that because I was fed up about this biohacking, but hard biomarkers there. And then on the other extreme, Brian Johnson and his team, like don’t die, I’m sorry. It’s not don’t die is live, that is important. Don’t die, we all gonna die. So I was just like, what do we do with those people that are just there? They’re listen to these listening to these guys because they’re important. And then they buy a horror ring. And they don’t know what to do with the data.
And they’re just like, Oh, my sleeping is bad. What do you do with that? And they’re just like, I don’t know, I need to buy your hyperbaric chamber and this, can you afford it? No, I’m going to take that. That’s ridiculous. So I looked at that. And I said, like, I need a word that is addressed to these people to make them understand that everything can be free. And everything is easy. It’s not complicated. You don’t have to have a PhD to understand the principle of life optimization. It’s for everyone. And instead of trying to tell you by this by this, like improve this step by step in your life, you’re going to get there and I found out that life’s planning was not even the word existing nowadays because I trademarked it and it’s going to be in the dictionary next year.
But it didn’t exist before and I said life finding reflects exactly what I want to say it’s like okay biohacking is the root of who we are today in the middle. The extremely rational survivor who doesn’t want to die in Disney World’s dismay. And these guys are on the other extreme. We’re not there because we’re going to die. But what do we do in the middle, we extend our life in the best way live, fit, live better, live longer, live healthier, and don’t spend all the money of our family. To get there. Most of the things are free. Think about your children and pay for their study or their education, but not your freakin selfish biologique. to compromise their studies, that’s not fair. This is where I stand. This is my punk attitude in the industry.
And I’m proud of the movement we’re taking. Certainly, because many people are so interested in what we’re doing. And to finish on that. You had those people in the longevity space who are doing fantastic things and the biochem industry always considered them as competitors. I don’t think that there is no competition between biohacking, longevity, rational, and life spanning we are all on this frickin planet for the same thing, improving lives. Why do we need to compete to help others? Shouldn’t we just like, make this world better? It seems cheesy when you say it, but it’s so natural.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, no, I love it. I love the term life life-spanning. I do think biohacking is appropriately named. I think it’s more data tracking and understanding your body. And I like the idea. So I’m just curious because you purchased the biohacking magazine. Is it going to be sort of like the analogy of Elon Musk who purchased Twitter? Are you looking at changing the name today live spanning magazine or?
Jean Fallacara:
That’s a good question, but you know, I have to give respect to where the magazine is coming from because it was the first and only magazine in the biohacking industry. So it’s still perceived as the authority in terms of longevity. I think that it’s mainly because maybe the name will change your last life-spanning magazine for sure. In the long run, is it necessary you make people understand that biohacking can be perceived as something like the root of the optimization, if you take biohacking 2.0 So you take biohacking, you add love gives you life spanning, and you don’t have to get rid of biohacking.
You can keep the name of Biochars magazine, which now is part of the Life Planning Media Group. And we’re coming up with big ideas. When I took over that magazine, my goal was for the world of tomorrow to be driven by virtual reality extended reality. So instead of just reading on your computer or tablet, or getting the print, because we do both people are getting back to the printed version. The next version of the magazine is going to be virtual reality. So you want to learn about meditation, you deep dive into the environment that you choose with the things you like, and then you’re going to be guided on how to achieve each step that brings you to a state of meditation.
And it’s going to be way more useful than just reading because you read an article on how to meditate and you start to meditate, you’re not going to get there. If you have this learning process by being immersed, you’re going to get there so I went by Lucky Biohackers magazine to become the first fully immersed magazine in the longevity space available in the world. And this is really
Dr. Joel Rosen:
cool. Yeah, it is also choosing your adventure kind of idea where you know, as a kid, you have this book they took they went to the basement or they went to the cemetery you can choose if, is incorporating this as well. Yeah,
Jean Fallacara:
exactly, exactly. So for example, you go through a front door, and you say, Okay, what are the pattern and surrounding that you’d like you’d like to be on the ocean or you’d like to be in the mountain, you like dream, or you like blue so you choose what you like, then the environment is created according to your liking to your personality. You like to walk into small spaces or open spaces you like to hear this type of sound or the bird or the music. You choose all these small things that make your life better and make you live longer. I call them small buggers in life, all the things that you don’t like like the people honking in their car or the noise that you don’t like, are burgers.
So remove all those buggers and create your ideal environment, and then you’re putting your brain on flow state mandatory, it’s going to be on flow state because you have set the element that puts your brain in the way that you are so quiet. So it pays. So in peace, you’re going to get into a flow state, and a flow state is the best way to learn. So when you want to learn by reading the magazine, you are going to be so absorbed that the learning process will be easy, and the understanding of what biohacking or longevity or life-like life spanning is going to be absorbed, memorized, and you can use it in the future. That’s
Dr. Joel Rosen:
great. I’m just curious, maybe I don’t know if this is a suggestion or a question. But you know, sometimes you get into a conversation with someone and you’re telling the story. And then you have a side story because you want to give a little more context to this angle. And then you could even get a side story to that side story. And you kind of forgot about the main story that with this particular let’s say you’re reading an article on let’s say, using your breath, and getting into a flow state with endurance and and getting into the optimal serotonin adrenaline release. But then you have another area on in terms of okay, well, adrenaline release. Yeah. And do you have something like this planned as well? Or?
Jean Fallacara:
Yeah, absolutely. The beauty of artificial intelligence, it’s that it’s created on the spot with all the information that is available there, machine learning will help us to get there. But in the virtual reality world, which is driven today, Zuckerberg is doing a fantastic job with all the credit he was not getting at the beginning. Now people are perceiving that it’s a fact. So in this Metaverse, if you open a second door, like you’re in the meditation, and then you have that door that says like, oh, delta waves or teta waves, and you see Oh, teta waves, I’m gonna see, then you go there, and you’re gonna get the scientific explanation what they are, how they are triggered, what is frequency, how to get there with the ocean frequency, balance and things like that.
So it’s infinite because the word of tomorrow is beautiful. Because data information is going to be more and more available in a fraction of a second, you don’t have to go through 1000s of books to understand things. Artificial Intelligence is bringing us straight to the point with the right facts and the right information. I love that it’s so it’s so training for someone who wants to learn everything in every aspect of his life, you had a goal would it would be to die knowing everything possible to know on this planet. It’s very not possible. But I think artificial intelligence is bringing is taking us in that direction. Yeah, it’s wisdom.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Time is gonna sort of be the Debbie Downer in a sense that, you know, when I moved from Canada to the US, I felt this feeling of the best of the best and the worst of the worst, right? So as far as let’s look at the other side of the coin, because, you know, I also think that I don’t want to say the sky is falling. But you look at the youth of today.
And the endurance is even worse, because of EMFs and cell phones and dopamine and 24-hour Amazon and glyphosate in our soils, and the list goes on and on and on even just the glutamates and how how toxic our world is. I guess the question would be John, what are some of the challenges you see with not just the platform and the technology of what you’re doing with live spanning and biohacking but as far as being able to increase lifespan, given these obstacles of what’s going on with the environment? What what do you think? I guess what are some of the challenges in getting there? Do you say
Jean Fallacara:
there is only one, there is one challenge, the crucial dilemma for society falls to educating our kids. Why they are spending two hours, two hours, and eight hours on their Instagram every day? Why they are sitting in front of the TV, watching Netflix, which is abrainwashbrainwashedeven have a TV, just to say why after a meal? They go on the sofa, open up a bag of potato chips and beer if they’re old enough and they sit there Why? Why? It’s because we as parents, and grandparents, are the Educators, and we have the mandate to make the world better.
And the impact of what we’re doing every day is like what I said, Everything impacts your biology, every decision you make impacts your biology in one way or the other. This is exactly why if you don’t educate your kids to behave properly to understand the negative aspects of certain behaviors, you’re not going to get this planet in the right direction thing that we do, it’s not even just our kids now, because the way that you teach your kid is the way that they’re going to teach their kid and their kid and the other.
So think about that. Make your job as an educator, give the world the right tool to understand why we are since the evolution of the species, millions of years of evolution, in the last four or five generations, we are going down, we’re not evaluating anymore, we’re going to reverse of velocity on the rise, hea, rt, attack, and stroke and everything are going crazy. Why? Because our parents didn’t do their job.
And there are people like us trying to change that to improve that. So how life spanning is going to do that, right is planning has a platform in between the six platforms that we have that is the life planning Academy, and you take 12 segments of life optimization, there are about 12 parameters that optimize your life. And each of them becomes a lesson that you can take. And when you have a graduation, one, you can go on the second, then if you have the 12 of them, you are alive. Spiner. So education is the key to the future is to key off longevity, just that.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, I loosen it’s good to get into your brain because I think we’re coming out with a lot different we’re dissecting out a lot of different areas and the way your brain works and the goals, again, not to be DebbieDownerr, but at the same time, you know, the government and the food bill and why we’re subsidizing you know cheaper, more profitable crops that aren’t healthy, and the minerals in our soils, and all of the additives and known challenges. How do we overcome that?
Because, you know, I heard someone talk the other day, it was a neurologist, and he was asking why we are nutritionally deficient. And as you know, you’re not all diets are the best, you have to go out and do this. But even with doing that, you know you have the food that’s available for us with the best intentions and want to go through a longevity course and curriculum to do it. The obstacle that we face with the environment is whether are we past that point of no return. Or how do we how do we bring the government and everything else policymakers to help us get there? Because I don’t want to see us taking three steps backward for every two steps forward, right? Yeah,
Jean Fallacara:
I’m an optimistic guy. So it is a bit pessimistic to say that there. Have we gone too far that is not reversible? I have faced humanity. And I think that one of the best lessons that we can learn from the human, as human as we are, is from the COVID situation. We’ve learned so much from these restrictions and masks and measures that were dictated by the government itself, as today. One person on the street what they think about the past regulations and mandatory measures that the government imposed on us, they’re all like, never again, the lesson has been learned.
And I think that this is this is where I’ve faced humanity. Unfortunately, I will probably not live longer to see the change. I would love to see even if I live up to 250 it’s just because it takes time but everything I can change today will reflect on my kid and my kid will keep going on the mission of reflecting that to others. It’s an impact in the right direction.
And this is all I want to do is like I have faced in humanity have faced that people are understanding why the wellness industry is the fastest growing industry. In the world, growing faster than AI growing faster than Bitcoin and all these cryptocurrencies were at the time of their explosion phase. So if the wellness industry in general, is growing that way means that more and more people are paying attention to being healthier. And this is where my face is coming from.
I think that if everyone is paying a bit more attention, everyone is implementing one more step. So one day, I don’t know when that one day, we’re going to be almost optimized naturally, by the way, we eat, we move, we talk, we, we do everything, but it’s a long process of evolution. And I’m a big fan. I’m a big fan of Darwin. Darwin showed that the evolution of the species is something that happens since they want to today, and I keep going in that direction. It’s Darwinism feeling that we’re going to keep going because in general, the evolution of the species was not like a striker was like that. Today, we are in a down because of Besakih, because of because of corporations, trying to make money on the house of people.
But that, as you know, you take an elastic band, and you put it to a certain extent is going to break. Were there. They pulled it so hard that now people are just like, No way. Not anymore. So, unfortunately, there are still people going to McDonald’s and buying that food because it’s an easy escape. But step by step from the outside to the inside, it’s going to change face. Honestly,
Dr. Joel Rosen:
I’m an optimist, too. And I’m like you in that sense. And I can’t remember what the saying is. And I don’t mean to butcher it. But they say that new science ushers in as the older people die off, right? And I think that we have a younger population, we’re going to be more open to these things. I also, you know, as, as a health care provider, know that it would make sense to third-party payers if they’re saving money by you being healthier.
And I think we’re on that transition now as well. But I do still see that we have these obstacles in the way I mean, I can talk to you all day, and I’m going to be respectful of your time. Yeah, as far as I’m curious to know, this is sort of off-script. But with all the things that you’ve talked about today, what do you find are the key life-spanning tools, tricks, or things that you do daily that are key for the average listener who is not as sophisticated and wants to increase their longevity? What do you see as the things that are most effective for your journey so far? So
Jean Fallacara:
I think that I would start with one of the most difficult ones to master is understanding your body without needing truckers. But let’s put it just back to the basics for every listener that wants to start the best trick, Thebasicsy, or act like they want to be alive. Spiner easily is walking or cities are not made to walk you will walk on in Miami sidewalk or like this street for cars are huge. And in breakcore, I don’t know why people have cars, you can walk everywhere. But there are way more people taking cars than walking. So walking is the magic pill for everything the magic pill of longevity the magic pill for digestion the magic pill for a stressed brain the magic pill for reducing cortisol the magic pill of insulin regulation the magic pill of blood sugar the magic pill, and even getting obese.
If you walk you’re not going to get Arby’s whatever you eat if you compensate long enough. And I have one thing in mind everything that is below 5k which is 3.3 Nights, let’s say Yeah, three nights. Walk on, take a car walk. You go to grocery walk, you go to some places and restaurant walk, especially to a restaurant you’re gonna overeat anyway, so when you come back, you’re gonna digest that’s the that’s the free two A free biotech that you can use and that everybody should use and I think that our society has the responsibility of telling people that they have to walk and on the other side cities and communities have the responsibility to make our AR walkable.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Great answer I do that all the time. I’m glad I did that. And I think with the bonus of, depending on what time of the day and the spectrum of light that you’re getting, you get all that benefit as well, too. Yeah. Okay, great. So then as far as maybe the next level of a slight investment, either nutrient device philosophy, what would you go with the next with the next level of what besides after walking?
Jean Fallacara:
Yeah, so I will try to use everything natural but I love the sauna I love cold plunges, as you know, but one gadget because I’m a Brain maniac and a brainiac. And I don’t know if you remember the company a low neuro at that time they were doing transcranial direct stimulation for flow state and and getting into neuroplasticity. So the key word is neuroplasticity, if you can trigger neuroplasticity on what you do you learn faster, you’re on better you memorize better. In the long process of testing so many things, infrared stimulation for the brain is fantastic. But there is one tool that is called neuro visor combined, light flushing in patterns when three directions and music that goes with the flush the flashing lights.
And you can put your home state of mind in less than six minutes in the way you want. Like focus, relaxation, meditation, pre-sleep, or whatever. So if you’re a bit short on time, which is a product, we’re not Well, everybody has 24 hours, but let’s pretend you still have 10 minutes in your life to use that tool. It’s a great trick. It helps your stressful situation meeting or whatever, right after that, or right before getting into that meeting, you can use the newer visor, it’s a fantastic technology. They just came to the AmsterdamBiohackingg Congress with a concept one program that is called micro-dosing, drug-free. That is kind of crazy interesting. Like, I think micro-dosing is going to be part of our future in our society, putting our brain connection in the right pattern, but it can trigger the same effect as mushrooms without using mushrooms. That’s very interesting.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, you know, I just had a patient that I was talking to this morning and she’s having major challenges and you know, like everyone has the Santa Claus bag of supplements and then they read that this is gonna be the next one.
And I explained Listen, there’s the way I look at it is I like to look at it as very easy concepts supply and demand you have more supply, sorry, less supply of factors energy production than the demand for it. And in this case, just like you know, the 30,000 view foot if I had more demand for income than supply for income, I’m gonna have to make some decisions here am I gonna keep food on the table, I’m gonna, you know, keep the power on. And so that’s the metabolic side of things, which is fuel and we know we deliver fuel in terms of glucose and oxygen and so forth. But the other side of it is activation.
And I think that’s the side that we don’t focus on as much because it’s not as sexy or it takes a little bit more information. But you know, just like you’re talking about the neuroscience of calisthenics and being aware of how important your fear endurance and getting into a flow state requires your mind to be conscientious and coordinated with your breathing. You have these tools that act exciting, John in terms of vibration sounds, frequencies by your light Yeah, very, very exciting stuff. I guess one of the questions is where do you see where do you see us going in the or at least life-spanning biohacking and your vision what’s what’s new on the forefront for you?
Jean Fallacara:
I take sets it’s well first of all, I love the approach, brilliant and very intelligent and Your similarity with the bags is I’m going to use it, I love it. Very cool. Yeah. In the future, I think that we will understand more and more the brain and the functionality of the brain, it’s a complex machine, and we probably will never understand it completely, but we’re improving in that direction.
And we’re, again, faced with something if we understand our brain, we’re going to understand the psychological effects and all these depression and anxiety that make our society a nightmare. So man is a complex machine because of his brain. But since we understand how it works, now, we can help improve it by creating a new pathway in our brain, a new connection, new, creating neuroplasticity, and improving our brain and our functionalities. In general, the use of technologies in the future is fantastic. For that reason, we’re in a modern society, we understand that light and sound, help the brain to be in that stage, or that stage, or that stage. Now, we can use that to improve it and make us better.
So every technology that comes in that direction is more than welcome. I see the future as human, combining a bit of technology. But going back to the root of who we are, the natural elements are the ones that make us live longer and better. Like you said before, if you walk in the morning, with the sun, and sunlight, those are two parts of our brain that are exposed.
They’re not in the skull, but it’s our brain, it’s direct your brain. If you expose those to a small part, to the sun, the benefit is not just like seeing the light and your mood during the day, your preferences, and it goes up to your sleep at night that is dictated by this trigger. That is a light stimulation into your eyes, on your circadian rhythm, and all the things we’re not going to go into those those details. But those natural elements affect us so much our behaviors. We need to relearn and re-teach people how to use them. Yeah.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
It’s not an easy task. But I’m an optimist like you and I tell people like I’m a golf pro. And when you come to see me you learn to swing the golf club so incorrectly. Not only do I have to teach you how to unlearn that, but I also have to teach you how to relearn where I would have wished you just would have come to me without learning how to swing it so poorly in the first place. Yeah, I thought you were gonna tell us about what’s in the future, personally is you have you have a record to break for for Wim Hof. And the breathing.
Jean Fallacara:
Yeah, but I think you know, yeah, my big goal is like, I’ve been a serial entrepreneur my whole life. These is the 12 companies that I’ve started running like a merger, acquisition, and things but many startups in my life. And when I left corporate America, I was supposed to stay another three years minimum with that company. But I couldn’t cope because of my spirit with the administrator and board off shoulders and whatever. My dream was to bring some things to this universe, life spanning media Corp was born.
So my biggest goal today is to make this company, the central core of where you want to go to get MBA information. Not trying to sell you anything except education, and educational tools, things that make you better. And I’m not going to push you to buy supplements because there are tons of supplements and we’re actually in the structure of life planning. We’re screening these things we came up with life spanning certified. It’s like No more bullshit in his biohacking industry. I went to Los Angeles and the guy was selling chocolate and he said it’s biomarkers chocolate. Yeah, what is the difference?
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Coating chips you know? Yeah.
Jean Fallacara:
The break like everything is by locking now. You’re gonna see oh, I have a T-shirt is by working T-shirt. Come on. Okay. Let’s make it through let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s stop thinking that people are stupid. And so this is what we’re doing to replace finding, like we’re gonna say, this is worship, this is not bullshit, if ever you want to buy a supplement, here is the list of supplements that you could buy.
But don’t buy these because you’re going to be screwing up your system like the concentration or not good inside or whatever. Some sort of acting as the authority putting back together the things that have been a mess in the past 10 years. It’s wild, wild west.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, very important to John with machine learning, because it can be biased information that’s being given. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for again, being here. But also, you’ve offered the ability for the listener to get three months of the biohacking magazine, we said that the name of the podcast is age reversing blueprints.
So if they use that code, they’ll get three months free, which I’m excited to look at. John, I’m curious to know, because you’re, I’ve enjoyed this conversation, and what do you wish you would have known then that you know, now that perhaps could have set you further or quicker on your life-spanning journey?
Jean Fallacara:
That’s why everything is simple, there is nothing complicated. It’s putting the right concepts in the right place, why our brains are overwhelmed. It’s because we get so much information, we don’t know what to do with it. So we mix them up together, and we get messed up.
And then we get stressed, and we don’t understand the principle. But if you segment all these basics, and you understand them, then combining them like a puzzle and putting blocks together becomes the easy part.
So I think that when I was a kid if I understood that principle, that there is nothing complicated in life, I would be an even better person. Today, I think I have become mayor, I came to Miami and I am the ultimate state of Zen Ness today. But if I had known everything I know today, when I was 20, wow, on
Dr. Joel Rosen:
ramp to the butterfly effect, too, because you know, at the same time you would have had to go you wouldn’t have had to go through all the things that you had to go through to get to where you are now, you know, at the same time.
But no, it’s you know, I do think that we have too much information at our disposal, and especially with people that tend to be ADHD, too much information, you want it to be more laser-focused and get rid of the chaff and use the information. I guess the way I look at it is I say I say this to the patients as well as you can very easily exceed your metabolic capacity. And when you do that, it’s like a hot day and your cell phone melts down. Right. And less is more in a lot of ways. Right?
Jean Fallacara:
Yeah. So following that pattern, I think that one of the best advice we should give to people is to burn their TV. Right? Don’t be brainwashed by that unnecessary information and focus. be laser-focused, like you said, on what is important for you.
Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, well, listen, thank you so much for your time. Here’s the human mission. I love to help out in any way I feel I’m aligned with everything that you said today, I have so much more to learn. I think the important thing is knowing what you don’t know, right?
Jean Fallacara:
Yeah. It could be the title of the article that you’re going to write for a magazine. Right,
Dr. Joel Rosen:
perfect. Well, I got lots more to come in there. I have five books in my brain that I need the endurance to be able to come out with at one time. So cool. Yeah, thank you so much. This is just the beginning, John, and I appreciate your time. And I look forward to seeing and being on the sidelines to see how successful and how mission-driven you become and the impact that you’re going to make on the world. So thank you so much for being here today.
Jean Fallacara:
Thank you. It was my honor to be on your podcast. It’s an awesome time.
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The post [EP.9]Evolution of Biohacking: How To Embrace Lifespanning for Epic Longevity appeared first on Joel Rosen D.C. .