[EP.12]Powerful Genetic Testing: Learn the Effects of Genes On Your Longevity

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Dec 13 2023 56 mins  

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Right welcome back to another edition guys. And I’m excited to interview Alan Robinson. He is the founder of Genetic Insights and founder of Feel Younger. His goal is to empower committed and self-responsible people with the science-based tools they need to feel younger and improve their health.

I first became interested in health and anti-aging because of his own experiences and the many health challenges throughout his own life, including chronic fatigue, chronic pain, malnutrition, hypothyroidism, IBS, and reoccurring infections, such as SIBO, Candida, and sinusitis, which made him feel way older than he was. And when conventional medicine practitioners weren’t able to help him set all of this out in desperation, he had to look within and figure it out on his own.

So that’s what we’re going to be talking to him about today his health journey, how he improved his health and eventually resolved his issues, and lifelong interest in health, energy, and wellness, and the companies that he’s founded to help other people with the same problems. Oh, and thank you so much for being here today.

Elwin Robinson:
Thank you so much for having me, Joe. It’s a pleasure.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah. So you know, I’m excited to compare your journey and my journey, as it relates to what you do now with the genetic insights and how to feel younger. Perhaps you can just give us the Cliff Notes version of at worst what it was like for you when you were suffering from your health challenges.

Elwin Robinson:
Yeah, sure. So, you know, most recently, and that’s really what led to the founding of those two companies that you mentioned. So I’ll start at that point. I’ve been doing well for a long time after having health issues earlier, and I thought I’d been doing great. So long as I avoided certain foods, I was on top of the world, you know, plenty of energy. And I’d gone from, you know, kind of doing minimum wage jobs in my 20s to be able to start several businesses and travel the world and all that kind of cool stuff, right? I was enjoying life.

And then suddenly, I got struck down with this pain condition where I kept having pain around my midsection, and no one was able to work out what it was. I had, you know, CT scan, MRI, blood tests, all of that kind of, you know, typical stuff, and then all kinds of other practitioners as well. Functional Medicine naturopath, acupuncturist chiropractor, osteopath, I mean, you know, the list goes on and on and on.

All trying to work out what was going on. I had a few different theories, but no one was able to help. Along with that the constant pain and discomfort this, these digestive issues went along with it. And it got so bad that I wasn’t that I could list on one hand the food I can eat without having some kind of really unpleasant reaction. Even those foods I didn’t do very well on and I just started wasting away. I mean, I’m six foot three, and I think I got down to one 20 pounds, something like that, so I was really, I wouldn’t be emaciated might be a bit far.

But for someone who’s trying to eat as much as possible, I was, you know, seriously wasting away. Along with that came extreme fatigue, extreme anxiety, you know, like being emotionally all over the place, as I said constant pain, and I wasn’t able to function. And I tried all the usual kinds of things, things I already knew to do to be healthy, because I already lived from the surface, maybe not to someone as sophisticated as yourself.

But to any normal person, I would seem to live an extremely healthy lifestyle. And yet, you know, it wasn’t working I as I said, tried every practitioner under the sun, and none of them were able to help either. And eventually, I just, I realized that, you know, I was going to have to work this out for myself. The first breakthrough came through doing a kind of genetic testing. That was where I first got, maybe not all the answers, but the first clues as to what might be going on and helped me to work it out.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Well, I’m glad that you did. And now you’re here to help other people. An interesting question is, I had contact with the patient the other day, and she’s dealing with, you know, right upper quadrant pain. And I was getting just sort of background information on what she’s been dealing with and what she’s done.

And I asked her about the genetic test. And she looked at me like, that was the most craziest question, why would she want to look at genetics? What does that have to do with anything? So I guess the question would be, how did you go from learning all the things that you did with what didn’t work and having to take, the ball in your own hands and figure this out on your own? And how did that get into the world genetics is the next option.

Elwin Robinson:
It’s pretty random, to be honest, I mean, you know, I guess the kind of person who watches this kind of podcast is similar in that they become a little bit obsessed, right, and you know, you’re watching everything you can reading everything you can, you know, I’m sure I read hundreds of books over that year, literally, because I wasn’t working much as much else to do, let alone watching and listening and all the rest of it, and signed up for lots of people’s newsletters, and just got a random email and decided, you know, let’s give it a go from, you know, a particular company.

And I had never heard of it, as you said, like, a lot of people had never occurred to me. But I’ve done a lot of testing, and it tends to be very expensive and inconvenient. And also, you have to wait a long time to get results. And so, you know, the cost seemed reasonable. And I was especially impressed that I could get results within a few hours, I was like, Well, that’s pretty awesome, right? When you normally have to wait weeks. So I just did it.

And like I said, the insights came thick and fast, not just about what was going on with me at the time, but also about really things that had been plaguing me about the way I was and also the way I was about other people my whole life. Like, you know, one example is I, I had felt like I had always had a very low resilience to stress.

Not necessarily that, you know, like, I’m not the kind of person who always avoids confrontation and stuff like that. But it’s more like, once I got stressed, it would take me a long time to calm down, it would be very, very difficult. And so I always felt very inferior to the kind of person who could, you know, get involved in some kind of conflict or confrontation or challenging situation.

And then, you know, not long after a few minutes later, they’re laughing and joking and all relaxed. And I’m like, oh my god, it’s gonna take me days to, you know, overcome something like that. And so understanding her in that case about the comp gene and the MOBO gene, both of which I had slow and how that meant that you know, I struggled to break down stress chemicals, and in fact, all the lifestyle things that I was doing at the time exacerbated that tendency, you know, I hadn’t realized they were slowing down that gene even more.

And so that helped me to understand, first of all, you know, that I can improve my situation. But second of all, I’m never going to be like a fast comps person, I’m never going to be that kind of person who, you know, can be in a warzone. And then minutes later, is relaxed and laughing and joking, because that’s just not me. But I do have the ability to stay focused for a long period in a peaceful environment, with someone with a fast calm Jean would never be able to do so seeing the kind of benefits and drawbacks was very helpful.

And the other big thing was, you know, I, my raw genetic data come from 2013 2013. I was feeling great. My wife and I both did, you know, 23andme just to see the ancestry thing, and I didn’t have any of these problems back then. So I was just blown away, that I could take my data from them when I didn’t have any of the problems uploaded to the system. And it tells me about all these problems I now have but that I didn’t have back then. I was like, wow, if only I’d have known, you know like I could have prevented all of this stuff happening in the first place probably, or at least to a large degree.

And that made me feel like, this is my mission to help other people to have that same realization, right to help to find and address the issues they already have, but especially to help prevent the perhaps more serious ones that they could have if they are not aware that they have that risk.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, that’s, that’s very interesting, I find that a lot. I wish I always said if I had the investment dollars, after you see a 23andme commercial to find out about your ancestry and your heritage, you know, to have a commercial that comes on immediately afterward, and say, and once you find that out, you don’t want to know about your potentials for autoimmune diseases, mood disorders, immunological issues, you know, cardiovascular issues, behavioral issues, then you may want to use the raw data that no one ever tells you about that you can upload into software and learn about that. So a lot of people that do the ancestry don’t realize they have, they’re sitting on this goldmine of information, that they didn’t have a clue that was there.

And that I was going to ask you about that because you said you could upload it when you first found it. Within a couple of hours or even shorter my thought process is Oh, you must have already had your raw data. So for people who are listening to this, you just can’t upload a file if you don’t have the raw data. So you have to have the actual raw data first. But with that being said, how, how did that I mean, ultimately, your main concern? When was your was your GI health? Right? So at what point did the insight through the genetics give you feedback about what contributing factors the genes may have played with the GI health? Yeah,

Elwin Robinson:
well, there’s a few different things that came about one of them was, you know, toxicity. So definitely had SIBO and other you know, microbiome dysbiosis. But, you know, as a lot of people who specialize in that will tell you, you treat that and it comes right back again, unless you’ve dealt with the underlying causes, right? So I was looking for the underlying causes.

One of them was I have a genetic tendency to break down or detoxify processes, Mercury, and LEDs, specifically very much more slowly than the average person. And mold as well. mycotoxins was another one, and I tested for those and mycotoxins were there, but they were not ridiculously high mercury was okay. But the level of lead in my blood was sky-high. When I first tested it was 27 micrograms per deciliter, which you probably know is way higher than it should be.

The reference range, like the 95th percentile is free. So this is a ring, and I went back to the normal medical doctor afterward about this. And I said, Could this be the cause of all my symptoms? And you just shrug? It could be, and I go, okay, so what are you gonna do about it? And he said, Well, we’ll retest in a year, see if it’s like nothing. And to be fair to them, there is not a huge amount you can do about lead from a mainstream perspective, you know, I read the whole World Health Organization report. And what you can do is reduce exposure. But I hadn’t had exposure for a long time, you know, I tested my wife as well, and hers was less than one.

And we were drinking the same water, eating the same food, taking the same supplements living in the same house, all the rest of it. So my understanding of that is that lead can exist in the bones for a long time. And it’s like a slow-release poison that will leach from your bones into your bloodstream. And you know, it could be decades, I think the half-life is 20 years, something like that. So it’s very good to understand that. And yeah, of course, if you have such a high, I mean, I had a pile of high levels of lead in my blood and a lot of nutrients like Selenium and manganese and all the rest of it. So of course, if you’ve got that, it’s going to be creating some trouble. So that was one thing. an underactive thyroid was another thing that had this genetic tendency. That wasn’t a huge shock, either. My mother had cancer several times.

And I think one of the first ones she had was fire with cancer, she had a whole thyroid removed. And she had all the classic hyperthyroid symptoms, I believe her whole life. And when I looked back at the test results, I was like, oh, yeah, the TSH of 6.5. Even from a normal medical perspective, that’s high. Even, you know, ideally, you’d want it below two, but certainly above four and a half is not good. And so I was like, oh, yeah, but again, the doctor didn’t pick up on that, you know, to deal with that myself. So, I mean, I could go on but that’s a couple of examples.

Another one, I guess was, because there were so many different foods I couldn’t eat. When assumed that I had food intolerances. And yeah, when I did the genetic testing and came back as I didn’t have any food intolerances genetically, according to the report, except for nonceliac gluten, that was the only one.

But as I said, I could almost everything disagreeing with me. So I thought it must be, you know, like histamine and salicylates, and oxalates. And all these things are very broad, right, but didn’t have a problem with any of those genetically at least. And then it turned out when I did blood testing for you can’t test for all those things.

But for most of them, like oxalates weren’t high and histamine, the DAO enzyme was fine, and all this kind of stuff. So and then the food intolerance test, I wasn’t intolerant to anything, according to that. And so that was correct.

And so it turned out that the reactions were not my immune system reacting, but the response of the dysbiosis, right, if you put different foods in, like, for instance, FODMAPs, then bad organisms inside you are going to feed on them and create symptoms. So yeah, I guess three examples are probably enough. But you know, it’s like three examples of like, helping to piece it together. Okay, this is an, you know, when your lead is that high, or when your thyroid is that low in its function.

There are in turn reasons for that being the case that, you know, I know that you specialize in but that’s a start, right? It’s like, okay, I need to get my level of heavy metals down, okay, I need to get my thyroid functioning better. And then realizing that until you do that, nothing’s going to work, you can meditate, well, you can try and sleep at least eight hours a day, you can exercise every day, you can eat healthy organic food, all the rest of it, right?

And, yet, you will still have a lot of health issues when you have these underlying things. But the problem is testing for all those things would cost? You probably know better than me, Dr. Joe like 1000s 10s of 1000s of dollars, right to test for every possible, you know, permutation of what could be wrong. So, for me having the genetics to give me clues as to what is worth prioritizing, and testing on was, you know, extremely valuable.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, I know, you could see the connecting dots and sort of the, the methodology of you had already done a lot of the testing, you knew about SIBO and dysbiosis. And then what I tell people is that genetics are the blueprint, the potential.

And if you don’t have the real-time quantifiable, is it expressing? Or do you have this done, it’s hard to reverse engineer and look at the genetics. So it’s interesting that you had the objective markers first. And then you went and looked at the genetics to connect the dots to see well, I don’t have a problem with this or that. So that can’t be the reason for this. But I do have a problem with lead.

And if I’m not detoxing, and I’m not able to get things out that can cause a backup and like a plug toilet cause things to overflow. Just as a side note, I know lead is multigenerational. So if mom was sick, and even grandma was sick, they pass that down in utero, believe it or not, so we don’t just inherit our parent’s genes. We inherit our parent’s environment, too. So that is interesting. But as far as sometimes people will do it the other way around, well, they’ll do the genetic test and find out oh, that raw data that I looked at my ancestor before, can give me some insight. And I’ll look into my health, we’ll finally

Elwin Robinson:
get both just to clarify and a bit of both, like the toxin testing I did after I saw that as of

Dr. Joel Rosen:
right, right, right? Well, it kind of told you where to go. Right. So Exactly, exactly. So I’m not saying you had at all, but you kind of went into it with okay, I’ve done a lot of stuff already. Let’s look at genetics and see what value they can have. And I think people have a little bit of that as well, where they do the genetic test.

And then they say, Okay, let’s that’s what I do is when I’m working with my patient, they say this test will be more ideal based on this, based on what you already have, we know this, that and the other may not be playing a major role. So I think that points to the fact that it’s a it’s perfect storm isn’t in terms of it’s the genetic loads the gun, and the environment pulls the trigger.

And you can see people that have very low-loaded guns, but not a lot of environmental triggers. Or you can see a lot of people that have very little loaded guns, but a lot of environmental triggers. So I guess what would you tell people that say that, well, how do genetics play a role because they are potentials, right in terms of you may have the potential like if you’re a slow break or downer of these excitatory neurotransmitters, you’re gonna have the potential to ruminate more, be more in fight or flight when you’ve triggered you You may, but it’s not a foregone conclusion, right?

We don’t put all our eggs in that basket, I guess the question would be, do you get a lot of skeptical people? Or don’t understand the value of why a genetic test could be so helpful for them? Or are you seeing that more people are like, Okay, I’m gung ho in this, and I know the value of it? Well, I

Elwin Robinson:
ended up, you know, when I speak to people on one, it’s generally to go through their reports with them. So obviously, they’re open enough in that case to have done that. But yeah, talking to people in general, I find that people are in one of two camps, both of which are resistant to what we’re talking about, for very opposite reasons. Some people are in the camp of it is the way it is, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I call that like the site camp, right?

And so they kind of believe, okay, you know, my grandfather had heart disease, my father had heart disease, I’m probably going to have heart disease, and there’s nothing I can do about it. And so when you have that kind of perspective, I would say, the thing that’s difficult to convince them of is that there’s something you can do about it. Right.

And that’s half of you know, what, at least half I guess, of what we do, right is to say is there’s not just this risk, there’s something you can do about it, the epigenetic portion of the conversation, right, the fact that lifestyle and environment and what you do does have a big impact on what is and is not expressed.

The other side of it, though, and that’s often the kind of person who probably is more likely, again, to watch a podcast like this in the first place, or to be seeking solutions for health in the first place, is people and I used to be very firm with this camp, I’ll be honest, y’all, I had to, you know, be humbled. I think by the experience, I had to learn this is thinking, you know, I’m the master of my destiny, I create my reality, I’m, you know, the kind of personal development than like, you know, self-actualization kind of school, where you go, you know, what, no, I’m not a victim, I’m not just gonna settle for what life gives me I’m gonna create a life that I’m happy with.

And of course, that messaging is generally great, it’s very empowering, it helps people to break out of this rattle, you know, the cycle, of dysfunction, or whatever we want to call it. But when you take it too far, the other way, it’s very easy to go, you know, no, I don’t want to hear about any of that. I don’t want to hear that anything is, you know, pre-wired and destined and all the rest of it. I mean, there are extremes of that, like, I remember, you know, talking to people and saying, Maybe this isn’t a good idea, like, no, smoking is not a good idea.

And like, don’t, don’t put that negative belief on me, man, I have a strong belief, I have a strong frame that, you know, tobacco was great. And, and I don’t want to your negativity is much worse for me than tobacco. And it’s like, there’s some truth to that, right, there is some truth, there are studies that are done that when people have this positive attitude, then they have a hell of a lot better outcomes with the same behavior. And vice versa. There the no zero effects where someone can get ill from something just because they believe it’s bad, even though it’s not.

So there’s some truth to that perspective. But I feel like it, you know, often gets taken too far. And people are like, you know, I don’t want to hear anything negative. I think that’s probably the most common reason why people wouldn’t use a service like this, who are kind of open people is just because they don’t want to hear anything negative, they’re scared.

And I see this more in men than women, ironically, is, you know, they’re like, it’s often why even when they’ve got an issue, they don’t want to go to the doctor because they like, I don’t want them to tell me I’ve got cancer or something, you know, like it like, so. It’s kind of like a magical thinking belief that, so long as no one’s told me, I’ve got it, I haven’t got it. Like that kind of thing.

And again, as I say, there’s a bit of truth to it. So I think that we have the genetic testing, there’s a bit of, oh, God, you’re gonna tell me I have a high risk for this and how an arrest for this and it’s gonna freak me out. And then that’s gonna happen. And you though, so that kind of magical thinking which again, I’m not dismissing because there is evidence that it has some impact. But what I try and encourage people to realize is, that it’s empowering to know the cards, you’ve been dealt the thing that you said before, and it is empowering to know it’s very empowering to know the weakest link in the chain.

That’s always how I like to look at it. So when we go through, and you know, we have hundreds of reports, and, you know, we can sort them by risk or, and so a lot of time we’ll look at the, like, the highest risk or thing first, and in some cases, we give people a percentage risk score. And when we can, and when there’s a percentage risk score. Sometimes people are like, you know, I’ll give myself as an example.

So I’m in the, I think top one percentile of most likely to have sinus issues, sinus irritation, infection, and inflammation, whatever. Does that mean that I’m guaranteed to have sinus issues? No. But what that does mean is that if I’m not functioning pretty close to optimally, that’s one of the first areas that it’s gonna show up in, right? So that’s all it is. And everyone has something there.

And what I tell people is, you know, those people who seem to never get sick and never have any health problems, if you talk to them for five minutes and show interest, what I often observe is they have mental health issues, right? So no, they never get sick, but they’re depressed or they’re full of anxiety, or, you know, they have obsessive-compulsive issues, whatever it is.

So everyone has something right, no one has built a perfect genetic hand, and there’s no point pretending so why not find out everyone has weakest links, why not find out what your weakest links are? So you can be prepared, you can do the things that are recommended, personalized to your genetics that are likely not guaranteed, but most likely to be the most helpful. And then you’re in a much stronger position, you know, so the idea of ignorance is bliss is not accurate, you know, knowledge is power,

Dr. Joel Rosen:
I hope you’re getting tremendous value from our content, and learning how to slow your rate of aging. I have a really exciting announcement, I’ve just completed the complete age reversing blueprint, User Guide, complete with learning how to not just slow your rate of aging, learn nutritional bioenergetics learning about circadian rhythm entrainment, the six key factors that you need to be aware of learning how to make sure that the environment isn’t accelerating your age-related biomarkers, and of course, mastering your sleep, this course is going to be retailing for $997. But as a gift for me to you for watching our content and subscribing to our channel. I’m going to be giving this away for free with just for a limited time only. Leave your name and email. And I’ll be sure to send you the complete age-reversing blueprint user’s guide right away.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
It’s a great answer. I like it I preface every consultation that I did with someone like Mrs. Jones, there’s no bad news, right? The sky is not falling. This isn’t insurmountable, because it is a very stressful situation, right to be vulnerable to knowing what the hand you’ve been dealt is. And like you said, if they’re listening to this podcast, or they are even having the conversation with you, they’ve opened up their vulnerable self to this information. But at the same time, there is no bad news in the sense that knowledge is power in this podcast is the age-reversing blueprint.

And the more you understand how your body works, and what you can do from a precision point of view, instead of just throwing stuff against the wall, the more power and control you empower is the word you use, you will have with this. So I love that answer. I do find that a lot of people the other barrier of entry not wanting to know what doomsday looks like, is also the concern with well, what is the government going to do with this data? Right.

And so there’s that concern. The good thing about our testing, and I’m sure there are workarounds for you as well is the actual raw data not through 23andme. But the actual kit. They only work with practitioners. And I get skeptical. I don’t want the big brother to know about this. So what I ended up doing was having them give me a fake ticket fictitious name. But then I have the DNA kit sent to my office, and then I send it to them. So there’s no way for them to know that. But is that something I guess I’m not familiar with 100% You sell the actual raw data kit as well or do you only upload the raw data to your site?

Elwin Robinson:
Yeah, we do sell the kit as well. Yeah, using a fake name is possible using a Pio Box address is possible, right? No one’s checking on that. I mean, my answer would be more though. Maybe this is skeptical. I used to be a very paranoid person. I would say when I was in my 20s, I used to smoke a lot of cannabis I, I could say I was on the brink of paranoid psychosis even back then.

So I certainly understand the perspective of everyone’s out to get me in. Also, I’m not dismissing anyone who has a concern, because I think especially the last few years have taught us that. Generally, the paranoid people are the wise ones. The trusting people are the people who have made the mistake.

So please don’t take this the wrong way. But I do believe that if someone wants to get you, they’ll get you. Right that there’s no there’s nothing that you can do to to guarantee. Like, you know, if you’ve ever been to a doctor and let them draw blood, they can get your DNA from that, you know, like Yeah, I don’t feel I don’t feel that it’s a real risk compared to the benefit that can be gained and I think that’s the main thing.

Yes, there is a potential risk. Yes, it’s possible that all the conspiracy theories are true and that they’re going to do whatever I want even say it in case it gets you in trouble on your channel. But the likelihood is fairly low. The benefit that is definite now is to find out all this stuff about yourself and be empowered with what you can do about it. Yeah,

Dr. Joel Rosen:
especially because you and I talked before we got on the call that we both kind of did a pivot in terms of seeing the moving away from their problem and the bleeding neck problem to more moving towards the solution. Right.

And but with the people that we work with, I’m sure a great percentage, especially for me, because I tell you how in-depth we get us unfortunately, and I lovingly mean this, the train wrecks of the world, right, they’ve done so many different things, they have that perfect storm of the loaded guns and the environmental triggers, they’ve been to 15 Different doctors, they’re not getting answers.

And you know, what, the nothing ventured nothing gained if they don’t get some insight with their, their predispositions and how that overlaps with the, with their triggers. And you know, just like I’ll tell patients is, millions of women that have the Abraca gene don’t have breast cancer, and vice versa, millions of women that do have the breast cancer don’t have the Abraca gene, or you know, vice versa, you can have the bracha gene and not get it or you can not have the bracha gene and get it right or have the Brocket.

Anyways, do you understand what I’m saying? So it’s the epigenetic, overlapping perfect storm. So as far as 250 reports, I mean, I’m intrigued about that, because your service is a little different than mine, in terms of if someone wants to see their risk of this, that, and the other or, you know, what they maybe give us an idea of what are the most common reports that people order? Or what does it mean to have this personalized risk score? Yeah,

Elwin Robinson:
absolutely. I think we need to update that I’m not sure where you saw it, I think for over 350. Now, it’s a vast amount. Yeah, so we have a few different categories. So one of the things that I’ve kind of done, is we do have a limitless package where people can get all of them. But one of the things that I wanted to do is kind of the opposite end of the scale from what you do, Joe, I know that yours are very in-depth. And as you say they require a practitioner to you know, you need a practitioner to go through. And I think that is fantastic.

And I can’t wait to do your one. This is more the other side for people who are more dabbling, who are just interested and open and want to start. So you know, we have collections for all kinds of different, you know, specific outcomes, will, you’ll want to find out about analogies and tolerances, you want to find out about blood sugar, brain health, cardiovascular health, digestive health, emotional health, you know, skin and beauty, immune system, energy, you know, etc, I won’t list all of them, but you get the idea.

So there’s kind of like, if you’re interested in a specific outcome, I just want to lose weight, or just want to get more hormones into balance, or just want to, you know, whatever, then we have a collection for that. So within that collection, we’ll have kind of different categories of types of reports.

So the most prolific type of report we have is simply health risk. So pretty much anything you can think of from major issues like cardiovascular health to, you know, very minor things, maybe not minor, but I guess niche things like hair loss or chance of getting kidney stones, you know, I mentioned sinus issues, like all that kind of thing. Stretch marks, and graying hair, just looking at the beauty report right now.

You know, we have a report on that. One of the things that are different from ourselves from a lot of other people is that if you are not interested at all in genetics, and you only want information about what your risk is, and what you can do about it, our reports are tailored for that. So you can go through, you can go okay, what’s my risk of having an issue of this genetically? And what are the recommendations that are more likely to help in order of how much they’ll help me?

Based on my genetics, there is a page where we list all the snips, all the genes, and all the variants that you have, but someone could just scroll past that and go straight to you know, the practical stuff. So is it as good as having a practitioner go through it with you and giving you guidance on it? Probably not, to be honest, but it’s much more accessible for people and also just cheaper to be honest, from you know, that perspective as well.

Elwin Robinson:
quickly so then the the types of reports number one is health risks. Number two, I would say is health types. So this is not where it’s necessarily a risk. But like for instance, the carbohydrate report is very popular. You know, some people do very well with low carbohydrates because they have more hunter-gatherer genes.

Some people do very well with high carbohydrates because they have more farmer genes, and some people are kind of in the middle. So I call that healthy. Eight reports. We have toxin reports not too many of those. But I gave examples like lead and mercury, there are certain toxins that people have an issue with their allergy intolerance and sensitivity reports. So that will tell you, you know, your chance of having each of those, I think we have a few dozen of those.

So with the obvious ones like gluten and lactose and all the rest, but we also have more interesting ones, I’d say, like histamine and oxalates, and all of that kind of stuff. And we also have nutrient ones. So again, we have about 60, I think reports in that area. So every vitamin, every important mineral, every important amino acid, every important type of fat, you know, GLA ALA, DHA, EPA, etc.

So, rather than what is much more common, I think, which is to have like one report that tells you, you know, this is what you should be doing, this is more people are interested in just breaking it down into little pieces.

And so for instance, just with a nutrient needs, you can go through and go, Okay, so here are the nutrients that I need more if you know, for me, it’s this, this, this, this, this, whatever, and I can focus on that. Or maybe I could just focus on one at a time, right? Like today, I’ll do the top one, which for me is magnesium. Next week, I’ll look again, okay, maybe I’ll try adding more Ketu as well, as it says that.

So yeah, it’s more ala carte. And more kind of practical, I would say than a lot of what other people have. But as I said, Everyone is different as to you know, what they prefer, that’s, that’s how we do it. And within the recommendations, we offer, like a score for research, and support, and a score for impact. So meaning, generally, the highest written read recommended ones are the ones that have been shown with evidence to have the most impact and the most research behind them.

And then you know, as you go down, that’s, that’s less than less. So you can have an idea how impactful it’s likely to be, you know, so you know, when it comes to losing weight you know, the way the amount that you move, and the number of calories you consume, and the type of calories you consume, it can significant ones, right, maybe much, much, much lower on the list might be some kind of herb or some kind of supplement.

And that will have a score of one out of five, right and may be useful for your specific DNA, but it’s not gonna make as big a difference is that so they’re also kind of organized in priority of most research for those who care about that the organizing priority and most impact for those who care about that. And then they’re organized in terms of how likely they are to help you based on the snips that you have.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, no, I don’t think it’s better or worse. I, you know, I think that there’s, there’s magic and simplicity. And there are a lot of times when there is no way for me to make a complex subject. Easy, right? And I know when I’m talking to someone throughout doing eight to 10 hours a day interpretations five to six days a week for the last five to seven years, how deepened understanding I have, but this is brand new information for them. And I know when I’ve had that Firehose coming out of the nose, and the ears and the eyeballs that it’s too much already, right?

And so it’s really important to just give them the most impactful information. And I’m a big believer in tailoring down even the information I have, in sort of the way that your reports are generated, if you will, and at the same time, I think if you are the type of I don’t see those patients anymore, right?

I don’t see the easy ones like okay, all you need to do is remove gluten and help clear out your excitatory neurotransmitters a little bit better, and, you know, be aware of carbs versus fats, I have more of that perfect storm, they’ve done so many different things they have taught me just sort of to, you know, open the conversation I offered and I think we’ll just sort of give a prelude is that I’d be excited to upload your raw data into our software, and then do a podcast on your podcast to review that.

And then yeah, maybe the ability to upload my raw data into yours. And then, you know, see what some of the, just the health risk reports look like from that side of you. As far as now that you do this, where does longevity, if you will, and age slowing or age reversing? Where does that fit into all of this?

Elwin Robinson:
So I would say there was the word that they are parallel paths, but they’re not the same. So genetic Insights are not exclusively focused on reducing premature aging. That’s why I’ve kind of two brands right? Reducing premature aging is my passion. helping people to understand how their genetics impact their health and well-being is my other passion.

And so they kind of side by side. Now, of course, some of the genetic reports will be helpful for the same reason that you know, that we just talked about, right, there are all kinds of factors that lead to premature aging, which I’m sure you’ve talked about at length. And I have to, and many of those will show up in the genetic reports in my system as it will win yours. But yeah, it’s not the exclusive focus of genetic insights.

So ni AI is a big focus, because I feel, you know, one of my brands, as you mentioned before, is called feel younger, I believe that how you feel is the most important thing of all. And it’s interesting because I come from a perspective of being someone who’s very intellectual being very in their heads, probably who used to dismiss the value of feelings a little bit too much.

And I do believe that probably led to my health problems to some degree, I do feel like only acknowledged, repressed feelings throughout long periods often do lead to health problems, either directly through patterns of chronic muscular tension and stuff like that, which, you know, I’m sure you’ve talked about, and also indirectly, you know, for instance, if someone avoids movement, if someone avoids strenuous movement because it starts making feelings come up, then that’s going to create problems for them.

You know, I do believe one of the reasons people don’t exercise is not because they’re lazy. I think the idea that I don’t exercise or I don’t exercise enough, because I lack discipline is absurd. It’s to me, that’s like saying, I don’t eat, you know, are too lazy to eat, who’s you know, who’s too lazy to read. Like, For me moving is intrinsic to health and vitality and aliveness as eating, they’re both enjoyable experiences.

Unless we have a lot of repressed emotions, because, you know, like, Tony Robbins teaches, sorry to quote him, but, you know, emotion comes from motion, when we move, we start feeling stuff more.

And I think that’s one of the reasons people don’t move. I think one of the reasons people overeat and eat bad foods is to suppress feelings, right? So anyway, whether it’s directly or indirectly, I think how we feel has a huge impact on our health. And so my goal is really to help people to feel better, I feel like most of the problems of the world would not be the case, whether we talk about evil, or ignorance, or whatever you want to call it, that leads to, you know, violence that leads to the pollution that leads to whatever all the problems of the world that we could probably all agree are not good. I think if people just felt better, then most of that would not happen.

And I also buy, don’t teach like, you should ignore painful feelings, my understanding is painful feelings are good. They’re there to teach you something, you know, things like shame and guilt. For instance, if you take that away from someone, you’re left with a psychopath, that they’re the people who are doing the most violence and the most pollution, all the rest of it, that’s not a good thing. So I’m not saying we should never feel difficult emotions or whatever.

That’s not it. But what I am saying is, that we should not repress our emotions, we should let feelings come up when we have them. Shame teaches us, oh, maybe I should stop doing that, you know, the old teaches us I should make up for doing that, you know, or whatever anger teaches us. I need to assert myself more, I need to assert my boundaries, more like fear teachers, or better be present and pay attention.

There’s something dangerous going on, every feeling has value. But I believe that once we stop repressing those feelings, and once we resolve underlying issues with you know, cellular energy production, hormonal imbalances, and all the rest of it nutritional issues, then we can start just feeling happy, most of the time.

And when you start feeling happy and joyful, and when you like, a lot of people say they’re happy, but it’s a very much a sort of abstract concept. To me, Happiness is when you’re aware of your body, and your body is like radiating positive feelings. You know, like you’re feeling joy, you’re feeling stuff, you know, those kinds of feelings, you’re feeling love, you’re feeling peace or whatever. So when you’re feeling that in your body, I believe.

And when you’re saying just pleasure, you know, like just tuning into your body like it shouldn’t, your body shouldn’t be a source of pain, as mine became, your body should be a source of pleasure, you should be getting pleasurable signals from your body most of the time if you’re in a state of genuine health, not a state of pain like the majority of people are in over the age of 40.

And not a stage of deadlifts, and disassociation either, which is what a lot of people are in as well, which I was in for a lot of my earlier life, I believe. But pleasure and so if you can’t tune into your body and feel this kind of pleasurable feeling, I feel you still have work to do. So yeah.

To me, getting people to that point, whatever it whatever it involves, right, whether it’s meditation, whether it’s religion, whether it’s health Whether it’s chiropractic, whether it’s genetic evaluations, you know, whatever it takes to get to that point where you just feel great in your body, you’re gonna treat yourself better, you’re gonna treat everyone around you better, you’re gonna, you know, care for your environment, they like all of it, you’re more likely to do what you’ve been put on this earth to do.

Or if you don’t believe in that, you’re more likely to do that, which is beneficial for you and everyone else, like, everything comes down to fundamentally feeling better. And so to me, genetics are a tool for that, because it’s understanding my path to feeling joy, and spreading that it’s going to be different from your path, right? For instance, we use the comps example earlier. For someone with fast comps, they’re more likely to feel joy in a chaotic environment. Someone with a slow calm, they’re more likely to feel joy in a fairly peaceful, harmonious environment, right?

So it’s like, this is one example from what we used earlier. But you know, and there’s so many more examples like that. So to me, they’re kind of pieces in the puzzle to ultimately feel in this state where we just genuinely enjoy life, we enjoy being in a body, we’re not escaping into our mind, or escaping into addictions or escaping into fantasy, or compulsions or whatever, we’re just we’re just enjoying being alive. Yeah,

Dr. Joel Rosen:
like that answer. It’s, you know, the people that are listening to this podcast that are going down the rabbit holes, and having to figure it out on their own. And in their journey and their suffering, they realize, wow, this stuff is fascinating. There is the slippery slope of getting caught in the weeds and not seeing the forest through the trees, right?

And ultimately, it comes down to there why I remember having a patient who was just, you know, she was such, you know, stumbling through all her notes, and I had her look up and I said, if you had great health, what would you be doing differently? And she looked at me like, that was the most absurd question that like that’s not in here, you know that I can’t see that in my bloodwork.

And I like seriously, like, if I permitted him to be able to do whatever you wanted, and you didn’t have to wait for things to be perfect. Like, we don’t go to the airport, and like, okay, you know what, I think I’ll go on this plane. And I think I’ll go to this city. And I think I’ll stay at this hotel. And I think I’ll have these five different things to do in five years. We plan that right. And we don’t do that for our health.

And we don’t need to be perfectly ready to go on that trip to start doing the Intel, right, we do it a lot earlier. But we don’t do that with our health. And I think it comes down to maybe feeling younger, it’s about why you want that information. What are you going to do with it? And what is it going to give you what value is it going to give you? And I think that’s a really good point. Just sort of in parting? Alan, what for you was the most insightful, you had no clue about your genes. I know you’ll have more insight when I do a review for you. But what was the most insight I’ll share with you after what mine was, but what was the most insightful? Oh, I had no idea that this was a thing for me.

Elwin Robinson:
So not something that explained something I knew, but like something that I’d never even thought of? You’re saying?

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, like if when you did these reports, and you saw that you have this personalized risk score in this area that was completely out of left field. And it made a lot of sense in terms of connecting the dots as to why you were this way or that way.

Elwin Robinson:
Well, on a practical level, probably the lead. I mean, on a more if you’re talking about personalities, cyclists

Dr. Joel Rosen:
a sort of genetic susceptibility like these are some of your weak links in the chain.

Elwin Robinson:
Yeah, lead. I mean, that was crazy, you know, to have been so high when I hadn’t had the exposure in over a decade. Yeah, I mean that but the

Dr. Joel Rosen:
lead was more of an objective finding. So the genetics were more of your a poor detox or so it was eating a poor detox, or that was the surprise to you.

Elwin Robinson:
Yes, I didn’t realize that, that that was so strong, genetically absolute. Right.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Right, just for clarity, because when you do a raw data test and your kit and you upload it and get the report, it won’t tell you what your lead levels are. Well, it will only tell you that you have potential. Yeah, that’s what

Elwin Robinson:
I meant. What I meant is that I was a poor detox of lead specifically, right? Because I didn’t have that with the other two heavy metals, cadmium and cotton, and Milan, but yeah. Specific heavy metals. I was poor detoxifying. Gotcha.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Okay. Yeah, so that makes sense. So just so people realize when you do a raw data test, it tells you how your genes code for enzymes, and how those enzymes help to support function. And it doesn’t mean that it’s 100% playing out, but if the wrong environmental triggers pull on in those weak links, they’re more sure to break and it suppresses.

And when you do a lead test that sees it’s off the charts, and then you reverse engineer and look at your DNA and say, oh my gosh, I’m weak in this ability to detox lead, then the two are equaling up. And that’s giving you a direct expression of that gene and a direct game plan to address that. So what did you do to detox the lead?

Elwin Robinson:
Yeah, and sorry, just to say a more relatable, one is mold, right? You have two people in a house, one of them is sick, and one of them is fine. And then you see that one that has the gene to break down those mycotoxins and one of them doesn’t, because, you know, you look up mycotoxins.

And it’s kind of the trend at the moment, right? In the functional medicine world, everyone’s got mycotoxin toxicity. And I mean, they are horrific. Ly toxic, it is true. Nonetheless, you know, you have a lot of people who are breathing in all day who are fine. So it just shows the massive impact that genes have, as you just said, you either have an enzyme that’s quicker breaking down or you don’t it’s as simple as that. Yeah. Yeah, sorry, what was yours? No, no,

Dr. Joel Rosen:
that was answering it. So mine was I hadn’t any idea. But I was always like a nervous Nellie kid, an anxious kid. I remember we would go to soccer tournaments I grew up in Toronto, Canada, and we would go to the US and we would go through the border. And I’d be like a 12-year-old kid nervous as if I have a smuggling drug across the border, you know, I was always anxious and always before attracted me and I couldn’t get off the bus because my palms were sweating. And I got so nervous before the actual race started. I realized that one of my major potentials is the production of overproduction of glutamate and the clearance of glutamate.

And that can create those ruminating thoughts and not turning your mind off and being very, very anxious. What was very empowering was that inflammation itself will slow down that GA D enzyme, which I was very weak on. So I couldn’t clear glutamate into GABA. But even worse is the DAO gene inside the brain not to be confused with you know, that AVP one or the DAO enzyme in the GI tract that produces glutamate in the brain is overproducing. So on the one hand, I was overproducing glutamate, on the other hand, I was underclearing it.

And unfortunately, when the environment has these MSG, very rapidly rising glutamate preservatives, artificial foods, and addictive things like these companies, especially in the US know that, okay, we can make it cheaply, we can make it taste good. And we can make it addictive. You’re getting a massive rise of glutamate on top of your potential, and it creates that perfect storm. So having the genetic insight to know Okay, I gotta go out of my way to avoid this. But I also have to reduce inflammation, and then magnesium and B six and other things that can help speed up that enzyme are what will help me deal with that knowing it is powerful. So Alan, thank you so much for your time, anything that I didn’t mention, or you wanted to sort of give some insight to our listeners? Yeah,

Elwin Robinson:
now I understand what you mean with the question If you don’t mind, I’ll just give a different answer. And it was actually like Constantine. And so what I realized, as you’re probably aware, is that plant compounds, specifically flavonoids, will slow down costs more, right, whereas methyl groups will speed it up. So I realized my diet for a very long time had been extremely high in flavonoids because I was eating a very large amount of plant foods and extremely low methyl groups.

Nope, pretty much no creatine, no choline, you know, Lobi, 12, and all the rest of it. So I completely switched my diet and supplementation away from flavonoids and towards methyl groups. And as a result of that, like that kanji and got a lot of better that, you know, intense anxiety that I felt at that time, a few years ago, you know, massively went down. And I would say now, not only am I better than I was, you know, during that horrible phase, obviously, but I’m better than I’ve been my whole life. And that was only as a result of that insight. And I was raised as a vegetarian, so I never had, you know, like choline and stuff like that, like my whole life. So yeah, that was probably the biggest one from that perspective, that’s probably a better example than not a lot you can do about it.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Yeah, that’s right. That’s a good example for sure. So you were kind enough to extend to the listener, a 25%, off discount, and he told me that the discount code would be Dr. Joel 25. So what I’ll do is I’ll put the link in our show notes so that people can, if they have raw data, they can upload it and pick what report they want. Or if they don’t have the raw data, and they want to get the reports they can do that.

And then this will be to be continued so that we can do a reading online or on the air for your genes and continue the discussion. But I thank you so much for your time, and where can people find you online?

Elwin Robinson:
Yeah, if you go to genetic insights.co Not, not comm.co Co. That’s, you can redeem that coupon code there. There’s also feel younger. And please check out my YouTube channel youtube.com/alan Robinson. Right.

Dr. Joel Rosen:
Perfect. Well, thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to being continued for next time. Hi, thank you so much for watching our age-reversing blueprint podcast. If you’ve made it this far, we sincerely thank you for your attention and your interest in reversing your age. If you’re looking to get more information on today’s topic or other podcasts that we’ve had, be sure to check out the show notes and be sure to check out Dr. Joel rosen.com. Have an awesome day.

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The post [EP.12]Powerful Genetic Testing: Learn the Effects of Genes On Your Longevity appeared first on Joel Rosen D.C. .