You’ll never be happy where you are if God is not the Lord and Leader of your life.
Maybe you aren’t where you want to be because you aren’t willing to be where you don’t want to be : “to see the stream, you have to be willing to brave the wasteland.”
God can change you in the cave you choose.
You have to choose to come out of the cave.
Discussion Questions:
1) Are you where you want to be? Why or why not? Where do you WANT to be that you’re not?
2) Where do you know that you need to go but don’t want to? Where is God calling you that you’re choosing not to step into?
3) What “cave” have you chosen in your life that has led to isolation, regret, and fear? How did God meet you in that “cave”? How did He redeem your choices?
4) Our faith exists because Jesus came out of the cave. What cave are you living in today? What can you do to step out of it and move forward?