You aren’t meant to react – you’re meant to be ready.
Courage isn’t made in a moment. It’s made in a series of decisions.
We will often “choose” God, but hold on to our “backup plans”.
Our fear keeps us waiting for the right conditions.
Choosing God at every corner takes courage.
The name of Jesus is enough.
Discussion Questions:
1) Where in your life are you simply “reacting”? Where are you living out of frustration and fear instead of courage?
2) When is a time in your life that you held on to a “backup plan” in your faith? Why did you hold back in fully trusting God? What was the outcome?
3) Do you believe that the name of Jesus is enough? Pray that over your life and the situations you are holding on to fear in. Pray for the courage to choose God and truly believe that He is enough.