Jun 24 2023 70 mins
This is the last part of my podcast listening series, which includes all my in depth tips on how to get the maximum benefits from your podcast listening. Find it in your favorite podcast app (episode 18 of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Podcast) and listen to it the next time you take a walk, commute to work or beach volleyball practice or maybe eat food - you won't regret it!
Part 1 of the series can be found here: https://youtu.be/agpA6Ao43-E or by finding episode 17 of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Podcast in your favorite podcast app!
Part 2 can be found here: https://youtu.be/O7nxoeHuE5o
My recommended podcast listening gear: (AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: Note that by buying any of the products below from Amazon.com or any other product on Amazon within 24 hours of clicking any of the links below, you end up supporting the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast-project with a small percentage of the purchasing price, without the products costing anything extra for you. This will help developing the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast-project further so that it becomes even easier for me to create insightful and world class beach volleyball content for you in the future.. Win-Win is the name of the game here!)
Bluetooth speakers:
JBL Clip 3 (waterproof): https://amzn.to/43OkGzL
JBL Clip 4 (waterproof): https://amzn.to/3r0moQ6
JBL Flip 6 (waterproof and bigger): https://amzn.to/3CIkciO
JBL Charge 5 (waterproof and even bigger): https://amzn.to/43UZMz1
Bluetooth headphones:
Sony WI-C310 (my absolute favorites for workouts etc, and you won't lose one of them! I put the cable inside my hat so that it doesn't dangle around): https://amzn.to/3PuxgQs
Jabra elite (my girlfriends favorite bluetooth earbuds, for people who don't like cables): https://amzn.to/3CJ83dm
Waterproof headphones (100% transparency I have personally never tried any waterproof headphones!) https://amzn.to/3NONS4g
Traditional headphones:
JBL T110 (my absolute favorite non-bluetooth earbuds, cheap, amazing sound and no unnecessary bluetooth signals around your body): https://amzn.to/3NLIWgp
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