Nov 26 2023 95 mins
In this episode I take a walk around the lake with 2 time Swedish beach volleyball Olympian Björn Berg, picking his brain about all sorts of things beach volleyball that I find interesting and helpful!
Feel free to take a walk and listen at the same time, I can almost guarantee you'll learn a thing or two that you can apply to your own game in one way or another!
Topics covered are: Collaboration with your playing partner, smart attacking (and what it is), sports psychology and the mental game (both as an individual and within the team), longevity (how to play the game at a high level for a long time), confidence and serve receive, and more!
This same episode on Youtube (if you want to find the comments section!) :
Björns Instagram:
Björns sons Instagram (sorry Viggo you didn't get to join this interview, maybe one day I'll have to make it up with interviewing you??!) :
During the "smart attacking" part of the episode, Björn talked a fair bit about the power of being able to control the ball with one's wrist. I can't guarantee Björn would agree with everything I personally tend to teach about using the wrist, but if you want to dive deeper into the topic, here's at least one very well liked video that I have made about using the wrist when attacking:
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