Dec 23 2024 86 mins
Is the double touch rule for handsetting needed in beach volleyball, or would it be better if "doubling" the ball was allowed? Well, we might all of the sudden get to know the answer to this with more certainty, because the Swedish volleyball and beach volleyball association has decided to run a one season experiment to remove the rule.
In this episode I discuss the experiment, arguments and counterarguments, and much more quite deeply. Hopefully the episode also includes some stuff that may help individuals think about the process of learning to both handset and bumpset better in helpful ways.
This same episode on Youtube (there is a comments section there if you want to comment on the episode):
Additional links to more content on the topic:
My blogpost that works as a compliment to this episode:
My quite popular video about handsetting (how to not double or lift the ball):
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