Oct 22 2023 39 mins
This is not a headline that we’re accustomed to seeing in Catholic Education; the “Diocese of Venice has grown Enrollment by 30%” in the past year. Fr. John Belmonte, S.J., Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Venice, has waiting lists at most of his schools, and now the diocese is planning for expansion. Fr. Jeff Putthoff, S.J. serves as a strategic consultant for the Diocese of Venice, and the two men have brought new innovation to Enrollment through technology, marketing, scholarships and meeting today’s generation of parents where they are through texting. Learn how their marketing system works and how Florida’s Tax Credit program plays a significant role through scholarships.
Daily Spiritual Reflection and Prayers on “Kristin’s Crosses”
Join Jim and Kristin Friend and their family on Kristin’s Crosses YouTube Channel for “Today’s Gospel and Reflection.” Jim and Kristin offer the daily Gospel and Reflection along with the Rosary and Catholic Prayers of the day. Click here to visit the YouTube Page and subscribe. If you would like to join the Kristin’s Crosses prayer group on Facebook, click here to request to join.