Mar 03 2024 29 mins
Deacon Ed Shoener returns to Advancing Our Church to talk about how the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministry has grown over the past two years since we last met with Deacon Ed on AOC in Episode 110. Deacon Ed also speaks about his recent trip to the Vatican for the first Vatican-sponsored Catholic Mental Health Conference. The goal of Deacon Ed’s organization is to accompany people who struggle with mental health challenges so that they know that God has not forgotten them and that God’s Church is with them. Deacon Ed’s vision is that this ministry will be common in parishes across the United States and the world.
The Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers was born out of a need for education, resources, and servant laymen and women to respond to mental health crises. Deacon Ed will share that he was inspired to join with other dedicated people to establish the Association after his daughter Katie died by suicide in 2016 after a long battle with bipolar disorder. The response to his daughter’s obituary made it clear to Deacon Shoener that there is a real need for the mental health ministry in the Church. Together with the ministry’s chaplain, Bishop John Dolan of the Diocese of San Diego, Catholic MHM has guided parishes through the process of creating a mental health ministry to provide spiritual support for those struggling with mental health issues, for their families, and for the entire parish community.
Watch the full video presentation of this conversation
Daily Spiritual Reflection and Prayers on “Kristin’s Crosses”
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