Jul 17 2024 57 mins 2
Ecology is how living things interact with their environment. But one thing that is missing from mainstream ecology is how we interact with the Earth Goddess – upon whom we live – as a highly-evolved, conscious intelligence.
In this show, co-host Chrissie Blaze, will be discussing with her guest, Alyson Lawrence, the true nature of the Earth and ways in which we can help to bring positive change to our environment, to extreme weather patterns and to all life upon Earth.
This show will delve into the true nature of the beautiful planet Earth including her chakras which radiate and take in energy, and her Logos, the motivating power that is her life-force.
Listeners will learn more about spiritual ecology and the global healing missions of The Aetherius Society, as well as ways in which we all can help to bring harmony and peace to our world.
About Chrissie Blaze
Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.
About Alyson Lawrence
Alyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.
Earth Goddess: A New Ecology
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society