Protecting Your Humanity In A Digital World

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Oct 23 2024 58 mins   2

About 50 years ago, the microchip had people making predictions about how the technology would influence all areas of human life. Now, advancements in artificial intelligence are generating the same sorts of predictions. Dan and Jeffrey discuss the psychological effect of AI’s potential, the very different mindsets with which people are approaching it, and who is set to benefit the most.

Show Notes:

New technologies can force people to rethink their relationship to work and to everything else in their lives.

If you want to remain human, you have to adopt a theater-based attitude because the attitudes related to computers take the human out of the picture.

Every technological advancement has given a certain advantage to early adopters.

When it comes to technology, the playing field levels rapidly.

There are people whose mentality is that machines are good and humans are bad.

There's a certain Ponzi scheme quality to the way early investments are done.

In some industries, money isn’t made in coming up with new ideas, but in taking advantage of other people being enthralled by new ideas.

There are businesspeople who have been almost deified by a certain level of consumers.

The new luxury and desirability come from something that has the human touch.

You can get so far into the world of new that you've lost touch with everything that already exists.

Every time we lose the ability to connect and share an experience with others, we’re losing something fundamental to what we are as humans.

Theater is the ultimate in a shared emotional experience because it's live.

Creating a brand can be all about storytelling, theater, and connection.


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Learn more about Jeffrey Madoff

Dan Sullivan and Strategic Coach®