Feb 24 2025 19 mins 20
This week on Ask the Pastor, Pastor J.D.pauses his “Why Does It Matter” series to answer a listener question who asked, “Are You Committed to Only Preaching Expositionally?”Pastor J.D. addresses some common questions and emphasizes the importance of grounding sermons in Scripture, the role of the preacher as a steward of God’s word, and the overarching goal of discipleship in ministry.
A glimpse inside this episode:
- Expositional preaching is essential for the life of the church.
- The message should find its source in Scripture through careful exegesis.
- Preachers are stewards of God’s word, responsible for delivering it faithfully.
- Discipleship is the primary goal of preaching.
- Feedback from the congregation is valuable and should be welcomed.
- Expositional preaching can still address topical issues when grounded in Scripture.
- A balanced diet of Scripture is important for congregational growth.
- Preaching should not be driven solely by personal preferences.
- Understanding the definitions of preaching styles helps clarify expectations.
- The focus should always be on the word of God, not personal opinions.