Listening into the Moment

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Aug 01 2023 2 mins   21

A few days ago I got back from a 6 day retreat, (drum circle retreat), on the surface this may not be connected to astral projection, however, the Universe connects everything and leads us, if we listen, to our path and to experiences that enhance our understanding of our place in the scheme of things.

So this episode starts with a quote by Michael Roads

“You cannot think your way into the moment. You can only think your way out of it. To listen, you have to be consciously established in the moment.”

I have often spoken about the importance of the present moment and how it is our point of power, of connection with the Divine. To really be in the moment you should let go of your thinking as our thinking takes us away from the present moment into the past and future. There is an astral projection technique I call the Dream Focus Technique, where you focus on something to the exclusion of all else, if you focus for long enough the dream dissolves and you find yourself either directly in the Astral or in the mind awake/body asleep state, at least this is my own experience.

To illustrate this I once left my body and decided to meditate while in the Astral. I knew I had to empty my mind of all thoughts and focus in the present moment. It wasn’t easy but I managed it and I experienced myself as the Universe, I was everything.

So back to the retreat, we did an exercise where you stand in the middle of the drum circle, you have to listen to the sounds and then close your eyes, and turn to try to find your place in the circle. As I Iistened, with eyes closed, slowly turning it was as if the physical world dissolved and I had a similar feeling as the OBE mentioned before although not as intense. I was focused in the present moment as I was actively listening to the rhythm of the drum circle. I had listened myself into the present moment. The listening helps to block out thoughts and external distractions, the same as focusing in a dream dissolves the dream.

I haven’t had time yet to really work on listening, the retreat was pretty intensive, I still need some time to process everything, my dreams are full of circles of rhythm and sensations. I think I need another retreat to process the first one.