May 21 2021 107 mins 19
#PA2036, Published by Atari Corp.
In this episode Monty and I cover one of the best arcade combat racing games for the Lynx, RoadBlasters, released for the Lynx in 1990. In addition to providing statistics, gameplay, reviews and ratings, fun facts and trivia, and listener feedback about the game, I pose an easy Atari Lynx trivia question to Monty, who refuses to join in the fun and to provide an answer because he is not a fan of pub quizzes…
…nor of my singing.
“Let’s all go to A & W! Food’s more fun at A & W!…”

Release Date: October of 1990.
Initial Retail Price: $36.99-$39.99 in the US; £29.99 in the UK.
Cartridge Information: 256kb stereo curved lip-style cartridge.
Game Genre: Behind-view 3-dimensional arcade combat racing game for 1 player.
Screen Playfield Orientation: Landscape (horizontal).
Based On: RoadBlasters arcade cabinet released by Atari in 1987.
Ports to Other Systems: The Amstrad CPC (1988), the Atari ST (1989), the Commodore Amiga (1988), the Commodore 64 (1988), the Nintendo Entertainment System (1990), the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (1991), and the ZX Spectrum (1988).
Game Levels: There are 50 levels, or rallies, in RoadBlasters. Level 50 includes no hazards or obstacles.
Number of Players: 1 (no ComLynx support).
Packaging: A full-color standard flap-tab regular-size box (5 3/8″ by 4 3/8″ by 7/8″). There was also a blister-pack released in Europe for RoadBlasters, as well as a Japanese variant.
Instruction Manual: A 16-page (including front and back covers) stapled regular-sized booklet manual in monochrome, measuring the usual 4 7/8” high by 3 ¾” wide. The English-language manual released in North America was likely written by Scott Rhoades. There was also in a full-color Japanese-language manual released in Japan.

Publisher: Atari Corporation
Licensee: Tengen, Inc.
Programmer: D. Scott Williamson.
Artwork: Robert Nagel.
Music/Sound Effects: David Tumminaro (title music), Matt Scott (additional music; founder of Byte-Size Sound, Inc.)
Special Thanks: Atari Games for Their Support and Cooperation.
Be sure to check out our partner to stay “Lynxed In” to all of the latest news about our favorite handheld gaming console!
Kieren Hawken’s 2019 book “The A-Z of Atari Lynx Games Volume 1”.
Information About RoadBlasters:
Atari Age title info/rarity guide for RoadBlasters
Atari Gamer title info/rarity guide for RoadBlasters
Digital Press title info/rarity guide for RoadBlasters
GameFAQs article about RoadBlasters
Moby Games article about RoadBlasters
Wikipedia article about RoadBlasters
“Atari Lynx Hint Book”, published by Atari in 1993 for Lynx game developers. How to find an Easter Egg displaying digitized photos of RoadBlasters programmers D. Scott Williamson and Matt Scott can be found on page 55. A more detailed write-up about the same cheat for RoadBlasters, including screen shots of the programmers, is printed on Page 32 of Issue #21 (April 1991) of Electronic Gaming Monthly, can be found here.
Cujo’s podcast Squid Nova: 30 Minutes of Diabolical episode (April 20, 2017), entitled “The War of 1989,” about the handheld gaming console battle of that year, includes snippets about Atari Lynx games, ending with a passionate story about RoadBlasters from an Australian guest on the episode (found at 21:40). A link to the entire episode can be found here.
A portion of Kieren Hawken’s interview with RoadBlasters‘ programmer D. Scott Williamson was printed in his article in Issue #129 of the UK publication Retro Gamer Magazine celebrating the Atari Lynx’s 25th Anniversary; readable photos of the entire article can be found here.
Reviews and Ratings for RoadBlasters:
Review by The Review Crew in Electronic Gaming Monthly (US; Issue #16; November 1990; page 22)
Review (PDF) by Gideon in GamePro (US; Issue #17; December 1990; page 148)
Review by Clayton Walnum in STart (US; Issue #39; December 1990; page 71)
Review bu Julian Rignall in Computer and Video Games (UK; Issue #110; January 1991; page 135)
Review by Julian Boardman in RAZE (UK; Issue #04; February 1991; page 43)
Review at 8-Bit Central (undated)
Review by JDeLuna at GameFAQs (1999)
Review by Robert A. Jung at IGN (1999; updated 2018)
Review by Gares at GameFAQs (2001)
Review by CC DeVille at GameFAQs (2002)
Review by Darran Jones at Retro Gamer (2008)
Review by Cyril Lachel at Defunct Games (2012)
Review by Brian Thomas Barnhart at (2016)
Review by Jon Mc at Atari Gamer (2018)
YouTube Videos About RoadBlasters:
Playthrough (World-of-Longplays)
Playthrough and Gameplay (Steve Benway)
Playthrough and Review (BrutallyHonestGamer)
Playthrough and Review (BTB/Lynx Lounge)
Playthrough and Review (CGR Undertow)
80s Commercial for RoadBlasters Matchbox Toys (The Toys Channel)
Segment from “Wreck-It Ralph” (2012 movie) about the RoadBlasters arcade cabinet, with voices by Jack McBrayer and Jane Lynch.
Retailers Selling RoadBlasters:
B & C ComputerVisions: Bruce at B & C is selling RoadBlasters for US$8.00 (box only), US$19.95 (cart/manual combo), US$29.95 (NIB w/damaged box) and for US$34.95 (NIB) through eBay under the user name MyAtari…check his online store on eBay for availability.
Best Electronics (last updated January 7, 2021; check website for availability): US$19.95 (CIB); US$14.95 (loose cart).
The Gamesmen (Australia): AU$24.95 (CIB).
The Goat Store: US$23.97 (CIB w/damaged box).
Telegames (UK): £19.99 (including tax; NOS with box and manual).
Video 61 & Atari Sales: US$49.95 (NIB).
After-Market and Home Brew Lynx Titles Now Available:
As of the recording date, here are the after-market and home brew Atari Lynx titles available from Luchs Soft in Germany (prices include VAT but not shipping costs):
Alpine Games (€55,92)
Ejagfest Slideshow (€49,97)
Quadromania (€55,92)
Retro X-MASsacre (Pre-order; €44,02)
Space Battle (Single: €55,92)
Space Battle (Double: €74,96)
Unseen (€49,97)
Yastuna-The Alchemy of Cubes (€49,97)
Click here if you’re interested in ordering from Luchs Soft.
As of the recording date, here are the after-market and home brew Atari Lynx titles available from Songbird Productions in the US (prices do not include tax or shipping costs):
Alpine Games ($59.95)
Alpine Games Bonus Card ($49.95)
Biniax 2 ($49.95/$79.95)
Bubble Trouble ($69.95)
A Bug’s Trip Redux ($49.95)
Centipede ($49.95)
CGE 5th Redux ($39.95)
Championship Rally ($59.95/$89.95)
Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure (Regular: $59.95)
Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure (Black PCB: $59.95)
CyberVirus ($59.95)
CyberVirus: Lost Missions ($49.95)
Fat Bobby ($69.95)
Hyperdrome ($69.95)
Krazy Ace Miniature Golf ($69.95)
Lexis ($59.95)
Loopz ($59.95/$89.95)
MegaPak 1 ($59.95)
Othello ($49.95/$79.95)
Ponx (Regular: $49.95)Ponx (Black PCB: $59.99) [Out of Stock]
Quadromania Redux ($49.95)
Raiden ($69.95)
Remnant: Planar Wars ($59.95)
SFX (Regular: $49.95)SFX (Black PCB: $59.99) [Out of Stock]
SIMIS ($59.95/$89.95)
T-Tris ($49.95/$79.95)
unnamed ($59.95)
Xump: The Final Run ($49.95)
Click here if you’re interested in ordering from Songbird Productions.
As of the recording date, here are the after-market and home brew Atari Lynx titles available from Telegames in the UK (all prices include VAT):
Alpine Games (£55.00)
Bubble Trouble (£49.98)
Championship Rally (£49.99)
Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure (£49.99)
CyberVirus (Limited Production; £49.99)
Fat Bobby (£49.99)
Hyperdrome (£52.98)
Krazy Ace Miniature Golf (£49.99)
Lexis (£49.99)
Lynx Reloaded (Pre-order; with Othello and MultoPong; £44.99)
Ponx (£39.98)
Raiden (£52.98)
Remnant: Planar Wars (£49.98)
SFX (£39.86)
SIMIS 5 w/Space Invaders (£49.98)
Sokomania (£52.98)
T-Tris (£49.98)
Click here if you’re interested in ordering from Telegames.
Resources for Atari Lynx Console/Game-Related Collecting Materials/Tools:
Resource: Game Boy Color cases for Atari Lynx cartridges from Amazon
Resource: 2 1/2″ coin storage sheets from Amazon.
Resource: Atari Lynx regular-size game box sleeves from BuzzandBingosMoonCircus (eBay).
Resource: Atari Lynx custom game box sleeves from RetroProtection.
Resource: Building a custom Atari Lynx game box shelving unit from AtariGamer.
Resource: Atari Lynx II display stand in a choice of 3 colors from RoseColoredGaming on Etsy.
Resource: Atari Lynx I and II display stands (along with cartridge stands) from TelltaleShop on Etsy.
Resource: BennVenn’s drop-in LCD replacement kit (solderless-type; includes screen plus’s 3D-printed screen bracket frame for the Atari Lynx I).
Resource: BennVenn’s drop-in LCD replacement kit (solderless-type; includes screen plus’s 3D-printed screen bracket frame for the Atari Lynx II).
Resource: BennVenn’s ElCheapoSD storage cartridge for Atari Lynx.
Resource: RetroHQ’s GameDrive SD storage cartridge for Atari Lynx.
“Thank You’s” and Other Lynks:
Antic: The Atari 8-Bit Podcast (Thanks to Brad Arnold, Randy Kindig, and Kevin Zavitz for the shoutout about The HandyCast in Episode 50!) (Thanks to Igor for incorporating The HandyCast into his excellent website!)
The Atari 2600 Game By Game Podcast (Thanks to The Podfather himself, Ferg, for encouraging his listeners to check out The HandyCast in both Episode 151 and Episode 154!)
The Atari Jaguar Game By Game Podcast (Thanks to Shinto for encouraging his listeners to check out The HandyCast in Episodes 22 and 26!)
Curtis Herod (Cujo)‘s The Bl^ck Book v2 (Check HERE to see the now-expired Indiegogo campaign, where you can find out more about the book. And please consider purchasing Curtis Herod’s The Black Book v2 by emailing him at [email protected].)
Into the Vertical Blank Podcast (Thanks to hosts Jeff and Steve Fulton for “singing” about The HandyCast in Season 1, Episode 10!)
Please Stand By (Thanks to Zerbe and Ferg for helping to promote The HandyCast on several episodes of this fun-to-listen-to show, starting with Episode 60!)
The RCR Podcast (Thanks to the Retro Computing Roundtable: Paul Hagstrom, Quinn Dunki, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vance, for highlighting The HandyCast in Episode 167!)
The Retro MacCast Podcast (Thanks to Retro MacCast hosts James Savage and John Leake for highlighting The HandyCast in Episode 475!)
Retro Video Gamer Forums (Thanks to Eugenio/TrekMD for helping to promote The HandyCast on his wonderful forums!)
Thanks go to everyone who contributed feedback about RoadBlasters (and other games) for this episode: Altered-BeastOG (Reddit), Atari Club@ClubAtari (Twitter), Derek Dash, Eugenio/TrekMD (Twitter), Peter Fletcher, Kieren Hawken (The Laird’s Lair YouTube channel), Mark Hemingway, Curtis Herod/Cujo (Twitter), Bill Kendrick (XEGS Cart by Cart Podcast), Erick Perez, pilou2001 (Reddit), Scott Rhoades, Henry Sanchez, Shinto (Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast), and Bobby Tribble. I really appreciate your feedback!
Also, I would like to thank the Free Music Archive for the following musical artists and songs that were used in this episode under the Creative Commons License: “8-Bit Core” by Tagirijus (opening and closing theme music), along with “Caledonia (edit),” “Human Intelligence (edit),” “The Human Race (edit),” “Last Flight Home (remix),” “Poles Apart (edit),” “Turbulence (2020 remix),” and “Twenty Ten (Twenty Twenty edit),” all by Marc Burt.
Thanks also to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (Cassandra Peterson) for the “Oooh, let’s party!” and “Leaving so soon?” digitized speech clips captured from the Atari Lynx game Pinball Jam that are used at the beginning and end of each episode of The HandyCast.
I would especially like to thank Shinto for submitting his memories of various Atari Lynx games he’s owned in the past to The Atari Lynx HandyCast…they are greatly appreciated. And you should all check out Shinto’s wonderful Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast; it’s definitely worth listening to, even if you’ve never owned a Jaguar. You can find it here.
Many, many thanks also go to Zerbinator for his continued support. His encouragement and expertise are very much appreciated by me. You can find all of his fun-to-listen-to podcasts here, including my favorite, Please Stand By.
Finally, my thanks to the Podfather himself, Ferg of The Atari 2600 Game by Game Podcast. His inspiration and dedication to covering every game cartridge ever made for the Atari 2600 (I think over 1000 of them!) is what gave me the courage to begin this podcast. Please, check out his don’t-miss podcast, even if you’re not an Atari 2600 collector; you should also visit his website here.
I hope you enjoy this episode of The Atari Lynx HandyCast. And please don’t forget to visit the official Atari Lynx HandyCast website by clicking here!
Next Episode: “EPISODE 18: World Class Fussball/Soccer”
The post EPISODE 17: RoadBlasters appeared first on The Atari Lynx HandyCast.