Feb 27 2025 27 mins
Not only does your Heart have tastebuds, but it is also connected to your Tongue – and the Uterus and Room of Sperm (what a poetic name for the testicles!). This connection between the various organs has been well-known by Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, and now, modern research is rediscovering what the ancients knew for so long.
Recent research has found that the heart has receptors for both the bitter and sweet taste, and that these receptors are believed to modulate the function of the heart. In our oldest medical text, the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine), it is stated that:
“the Heart is benefited by the bitter taste”
“bitter-tasting substances can clear the Heart”
“sweet herbs are used to sedate”
“too much sweet taste can disturb the Heart Qi”
And it gets even better!
In Chinese Medicine, the Heart is connected to the Uterus and testicles via the Bao Mai. And, guess where else in the body can bitter taste receptors are found??
You guessed it! The uterine lining and the testicles. Wild, huh?
Chinese Medicine has such a profound and nuanced understanding of health. It’s a complete system of healing that has been proven over millennia, with rich detail on how to use herbs & flavours for health, and a holistic understanding of the connection between the visceral organs (like the Heart) and the sense organs (like the tongue). This can offer up new perspectives and potential for health and healing.
In this episode, we explore the connection between:
• Heart & tongue
• Kidneys & ears
• Liver & eyes
• Spleen & mouth
• Lungs & nose
We share modern research and clinical case studies that beautifully illustrate this connection, and discuss some acupressure points to support the vitality of the sensory organs.
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More on Dr. Maz
Chinese Medicine is a personalised, functional medicine that treats the individual and the root cause of their presenting imbalance (what conventional medicine would call the symptom, disease or condition). This means that your doctor of Chinese Medicine will work one-on-one with you to achieve a personalised treatment plan. As such, this podcast is for informational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or substitute existing medical advice.
© Copyright Balanced Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine and Dr. Maz Roginski 2025