
Episode Artwork
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Aug 21 2017 48 mins   49 2 0
Why do you feel so invisible and spiritually depleted? You need a daily LOVE encounter with Jesus. You need daily nourishment from the "one table of the Lord" (CCC 103).

“You are invited to an encounter with Jesus, Word of God made flesh, as an event of grace that runs through the reading and the hearing of the Sacred Scriptures” (The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church).

L - listen: Reading seeks for the sweetness of a blessed life,

O - observe: meditation perceives it,

V - verbalize: prayer asks for it,

E - entrust: contemplation tastes it.

L - listen: Reading, as it were, puts food whole into the mouth,

O - observe: mediation chews it and breaks it up,

V - verbalize: prayer extracts its flavor,

E - entrust: contemplation is the sweetness itself which gladdens and refreshes.

L - listen: Reading works on the outside,

O - observe: meditation on the pith,

V - verbalize: prayer asks for what we long for,

E - entrust: contemplation gives us delight in the sweetness which we have found.

Adapted from The Ladder of Monks, Guigo (LOVE acronym added)

Click here for the previous series mentioned in this episode, Healing the Father Wound.

Summary video of Healing the Father Wound

Enjoy this episode from a previous series while we prepare for the

next series

Thank you with all my heart to my newest Friends of the Show, Lisa S, Sandy M, Janette S, and Katy M, for loving and lifting me! :) Friends of the Show get all Premium Content!

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LOVE the Word® is a Bible study method based on Mary’s own practice: lectio without the Latin. Get the book based on Sonja’s method in the right margin, How to Pray Like Mary.

L | Listen (Receive the Word via audio or video.)

O | Observe (Connect the passage to your life and recent events.)

“If you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed” (Joh 8:31).

Spend some time emphasizing each word of this verse in turn, like this:

“If you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed” (Joh 8:31).

“If you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed” (Joh 8:31).

“If you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed” (Joh 8:31).

“If you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed” (Joh 8:31).

“If you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed” (Joh 8:31).

After you have emphasized each word, return to the Listen section and read it again. Where do you sense this verse is speaking about the events of your own life? What is God saying to you through this verse? Does it connect at all to what you have sensed through His word in other areas recently?

V | Verbalize (Pray about your thoughts and emotions.)

Remembering that He loves you and that you are in His presence, talk to God about the particulars of your O – Observe step. You may want to write your reflections in your LOVE the Word® journal. Or, get a free journal page and guide in the right-hand margin.

E | Entrust (Rest in the Word.)

Kyrie, Eleison – Lord, Have Mercy

….‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’ Luke 18:13

“Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.”

Love Heals. Learn More.


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What We Discussed | Show Notes


Minutes 00:00-12:00 – LOVE the Word summary; the "one table of the Lord" (CCC 103)

Minutes 12:01-24:00 – get answers to direct que...