May 15 2023 24 mins 1
(This podcast is available only in French) This podcast is about curious researchers, leading-edge science and the joys of discovery.
Alexandre Langlois is passionate about all aspects of his job. As a researcher in Northern Canada, he studies the fastest-warming place on the planet and presents data on the issues that await us in terms of climate change.
Like a high-level athlete, Alexandre Langlois has been training since the age of nine to live in extreme cold conditions. Today, his research in physical geography provides him with a unique understanding of the evolution of the Earth, past and future and his observations on the relationship between man and nature leave him with clear insights about the impact of humans on the climate and environment.
Want to know more about Alexandre Langlois?
Langlois' Université de Sherbrooke profile .
Langlois' profile from the Centre d'applications et de recherches en télédétection (CARTEL) at the Université de Sherbrooke.
April 9, 2021 article from the CARTEL website announcing new CFI funding for Langlois’ research project.
A video of a conference presentation about his CFI-funded project.
A video from Université de Sherbrooke that asks three questions about studying the Arctic to understand climate change.
An April 3, 2021 article in La Tribune about Langlois’ research.