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Mar 26 2019 14 mins   608
Join us for Part 2 of our who, what, why exploration of unstable angina… does it even still exist and what should we do about it? || By Steven R. Liu MD and Janine Knudsen MD || Peer Review Dr Norma Keller MD || Graphic Design by Gaby Mayer

For a transcript of the podcast and show notes: https://www.coreimpodcast.com/2019/03/27/unstable-angina/

Time stamps

* History matters – how symptoms match up to pathophysiology [2:30]

* Vulnerable plaque vs. progressive atherosclerosis: the same or different? [5:11]

* High sensitivity troponins and the future of unstable angina – should it still exist? [7:36]

* Risk Stratification Redux – how to determine who needs a “cath” [9:45]

* Review of teaching points [12:24]

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