Dec 24 2019 22 mins 53
In which we all wait for a reply.
Crossing Wires is written by Sarah Cowan and Ziggy Schutz, with sound design and editing by Jack Strudwick.
Episode 6 features the voices of Kyle John Brogan as The Conspiracy Theorist, Mickey as The Radio Repairman, Brenna as The Archivist, Sol Storm as The Mechanic, Emmett Moon as The Illustrator, Cedar Taylor as The Con, Sarah Cowan as The Switchboard Operator, and Emily White as — —–.
To find out more about our team, you can visit us on tumblr at, or on twitter at _crossingwires_.
Crossing Wires will be returning in 2020 as a monthly podcast. Thank you to all who have listened, and continue to support us, through our hiatus and beyond.
As always, keep your radios close by, and keep tuning in to the audio apocalypse.