St. John of the Cross Contemplative Novena Day 5 – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcast

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Dec 09 2022 2 mins   26

Day 5 – St. John of the Cross Contemplative Novena – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcast

St. John of the Cross you have said:

It is clear that the desires weary and fatigue the soul; for they are like restless and discontented children, who are ever demanding this or that from their mother, and are never contented. And even as one that digs because he covets a treasure is wearied and fatigued, even so is the soul wearied and fatigued in order to attain that which its desires demand of it; and although in the end it may attain it, it is still weary, because it is never satisfied

Ascent of Mount Carmel. Trans. E. Allison Peers, Book 1, Chapter 6, Paragraph 6 

Prayer for Peace from St. John of the Cross

O Blessed Jesus, grant me stillness of soul in You. Let Your mighty calmness reign in me. Rule me, O King of gentleness, King of peace. Give me control, control over my words, thoughts and actions. From all irritability, want of meekness, want of gentleness, O dear Lord, deliver me. By Your own deep patience give me patience, stillness of soul in You. Make me in this, and in all, more and more like You. Amen.

Lord God, you gave Saint John of the Cross

the grace of complete self-denial

and an ardent love for the cross of Christ.

Grant that by following always in his footsteps

we may come to the eternal vision of your glory.

And through his intercession, if it be in accord with your holy will,

Grant the petition we bring before you in this novena.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God, for ever and ever.


For more on St. John of the Cross, visit St. John of the Cross: of Contemplation with Fr. Donald Haggerty


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