Aug 15 2021 26 mins 9
Msgr. Esseff reflects on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and it’s meaning for our lives and destiny. He brings forth from the liturgy of the day the Sacred Scripture a teaching which begins with fall of man, but the redemption brought about by Jesus Christ. And because of His Resurrection, death has no power over us. He
explains this by sharing the death of his own sister and the prayer of his mother. Msgr. Esseff explains Mary sinlessness as the Immaculate Conception and the purpose of the Assumption. He discusses Chap. 12 of the Book of Revelation, as well as Our Lady of Guadalupe and Fatima and the message for us today. Msgr. Esseff talks about our struggles with death, not only our own, but also those of our loved ones. How we hold on sometimes to tightly to those we should let go to the Father, because of our own fears and desires…and possibly our selfishness. We need to remember the joys of Eternal Life and the role of Mary, our Mother, who helps us with the transition. Be not afraid!
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