Apr 25 2024 32 mins 4
Episode 6 St. Catherine of Siena: Her Life and Teachings with Fr. Thomas McDermott
In this episode, Fr. McDermott aids in our understanding of St. Catherine’s teachings on the “Blood of Christ” and its context from Sacred Scripture and Medieval sensibilities. He discusses “The Christ Bridge” as a central image in St. Catherine’s writings and one’s spiritual journey. The flowering of baptismal grace is exemplified in this teaching.
Fr. Thomas McDermott, OP is Regent of Studies for the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great and is the author of “Catherine of Siena: Spiritual Development in Her Life and Teaching” (Paulist, 2008) and “Filled with all the Fullness of God: An Introduction to Catholic Spirituality”. He obtained a doctorate in spiritual theology from the Angelicum and taught for several years at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis. He currently serves as pastor at St. Vincent Ferrer, in Chicago, IL.

by Fr. McDermott
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