Dec 22 2024 4 mins 4

Day 23: Resting in Christ, Living His Love
In Advent, Christ rested in Mary—still, silent, helpless, utterly dependent. The Creator trusted Himself to His creature.
He trusted the expression of His love to her, the expression of God’s love for the world, and of His love of His Father. Just as the work of His love would be trusted to us, in His life in us.
He was dumb, her voice was His voice. He was still, her footsteps were His journeys. He was blind, her eyes were His seeing. His hands were folded, her hands did the work of His hands. His life was her life, His heartbeat was the beating of her heart.
This was a foreshadowing of what the Incarnation would mean for us; for in us too, Christ rests as He rested in Mary. From that moment when the Christ life is conceived in us, our life is intended for one thing, the expression of His love, His love for God and for the world. Our words are to be the words that He wants to speak, we must go wherever He wants to go, we must see and look at whatever He wants to see and look at, the work that our hands do must be the work that His hands want to do, our life the living of His life, our loves the loving of His heart.
Commentary: In this reflection, Caryll Houselander captures the mystery of Advent as a time when Christ, though fully divine, chose to be entirely dependent on Mary. His trust in her—His silent resting within her and reliance on her for every act of love—is a profound image of how He desires to dwell within us. Just as Mary’s life became an expression of Christ’s love, so too are we invited to embody His presence in the world. Houselander’s words remind Catholics that, from the moment we accept Christ into our lives, we are called to be His heart, His voice, His hands, and His vision in the world, reflecting His love for the Father and for all people.
Personal Reflection: Consider the ways in which your life can reflect Christ’s love more fully. What words, actions, or ways of seeing others might you allow Christ to transform in you, so that you become a clearer expression of His love in the world?
Quote taken from – Caryll Houselander The Passion of the Infant Christ, Sheed & Ward, 1949
For more reflections visit:
Caryll Houselander – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
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