Chapters 31 -34 – Prayer of Quiet and the Real Presence of Christ the Eucharist- The Way of Perfection by St. Teresa of Avila – Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles
Dr. Lilles discusses the Prayer of Quiet and the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Chapter 31—Continues the same subject. Explains what is meant by the Prayer of Quiet. Gives several counsels to those who experience it. This chapter is very noteworthy
Chapter 32—Expounds these words of the Paternoster: “Thy will be done: as in Heaven, so on earth.” Describes how much is accomplished by those who repeat these words with full resolution and how well the Lord rewards them for it
Chapter 33—Treats of our great need that the Lord should give us what we ask in these words of the Paternoster: “Give us this day our daily bread”
Chapter 34—Continues the same subject. This is very suitable for reading after the reception of the Most Holy Sacrament
For the audio recordings of St. Teresa’s “The Way of Perfection” you can visit the Discerning Hearts Spiritual Classics audio page
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The Discerning Hearts “The Way of Perfection with Dr. Anthony Lilles
Anthony Lilles, S.T.D. is an associate professor and the academic dean of Saint John’s Seminary in Camarillo as well as the academic advisor for Juan Diego House of Priestly Formation for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For over twenty years he served the Church in Northern Colorado where he joined and eventually served as dean of the founding faculty of Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. Through the years, clergy, seminarians, religious and lay faithful have benefited from his lectures and retreat conferences on the Carmelite Doctors of the Church and the writings of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity.
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